Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times
What hath the State of Alaska wrought that it deserves the full-force and ‘retribution’ of the U.S. Navy upon Alaskan sea life, its pristine ocean and bay waters, the fishing industry and the people of Alaska?
Apparently, a nautical ‘war’ has been declared to start sometime in June 2015!
What’s that all about, especially when the U.S. Navy will be ‘attacking’ indefensible’ entities: the environment, sea creatures and probably humans from all the toxic releases into the environment and other war games’ horrors such as sonic booms, etc.?
According to journalist Dahr Jamail’s article, “The Navy’s Great Alaskan ‘War,'” Alaska is about to face an ‘off-shore Armageddon’ according to those in the know about such plans. Jamail interviewed Emily Stolarcyk of the Eyak Preservation Council who said, “We are concerned about expended materials in addition to the bombs, jet noise, and sonar.”