To those who have given up on love: I say, “Trust life a little bit.” ~ Maya Angelou
You know what I really love? LOVE! I love LOVE!
The way I see it, there ain’t no bigger and more powerful force in the whole universe than LOVE itself.
Love makes the world go round. It’s the glue that hold everything together. Love is what we are made of. We are made of love and made to love. Our true nature is love and by trying to move away from love, by saying that we want to give up on love, we slowly but surely move away from who we truly are. We move away from our true nature, drifting away and feeling more and more disoriented, disconnected and confused.
The biggest mistake anyone can make is to give up on love.
How can you give up on something that’s in you? How can you give up on something that is YOU?