RD, LD, CBN, NBNC: acronyms for licensed and or registered dietitians. These are the professionals who work in the medical fields, and your doctor or specialist likely has one on staff. They are in the hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities. A lot of them go on to work for companies like NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, or one of those “Medi-Fast Weight Loss” centers. Some large globo-gyms have one or two on staff, and they are the contributing editors and staff writers for the “Health & Lifestyle” sections of major publications. They are the folks who are responsible for health & science-based nutritional advice regarding your specific illness, disease or concern. When you are diagnosed with IBS, your doctor will send you into the office of his RD, and he or she will tell you to eat more fiber and drink more water. If you are unfortunate and get the diagnosis of T2 Diabetes, an RD will be assigned to your case & then advise you to eat whole wheat, whole grains and maintain a low fat diet. They give advice such as “eat baked chips, and diet coke instead of regular. Get low fat peanut butter and low fat yogurt, drink fat free milk and fortified bread with added fiber.”
For more of this story visit http://www.austinprimalfitness.com/why-you-should-second-guess-the-dietician/#more-1204
Dieticians are programmed just like the doctors. They don't know what "healthy" means. Trust yourself!