Wild Dolphins Share Gifts With Humans

will's picture

On 23 occasions over the past several years, wild dolphins were observed giving gifts to humans at the Tangalooma Island Resort in Australia. The gifts included eels, tuna, squid, an octopus and an assortment of many other types of different fin fish. While these gifts might not be your choice for a gift to find underneath your Christmas tree, some of the items that were offered to humans are highly valued food sources for cetaceans such as dolphins. A report describing this rare form of food sharing behavior in wild dolphins was published on December 4, 2012 in the journal Anthrozoƶs: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People & Animals.

Full Story... (earthsky.org)

Dolphin Image Courtesy: Rodolfo Araiza G.



Rain's picture

This is awesome, Will! Thanks for posting!