Wishing You Holy Days Heart to Heart Love to Love God to God

glr_Andrea's picture

Love is your consciusness flying towards more elevated realities, beyond body and matter.

- Osho Rajneesh



Do not go where there's already a path, go where there's none, and leave your traces.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson



What really matters is inside of us, from the outside, no one can help us. Do not be at fight with yourself, love and accept yourself and you will Love and accept everything and thus make all Miracles possible.

-H. Hesse


I wanted to share the Blessings of Love with all, not because a calendar sais so but because it is what I feel from the deepest of my Heart. As I was looking for an image to use, I found this tree quotes in a row, and though I usually do not use other's words to speak for me, this time I make an ecception. They so much express my wishes for all... for Peace really can be found INside, and so is Love, and God. And once you find it there, you simply cannot stop but you NEED to share. For Love, Peace, God ARE to Be Shared, expanded, Lived. From the INside out. This is the True Magic.


and I

for I Am another You.

Therefore, what less than ALL could I ever wish for You?

And what less than ALL could You ever Be? 

in Truth? No-thing =)


I therefore Wish ALL,


from all religions

all countries

all races

all seasons

all planets and universes

and all perceived realities

to Re-Member You already Are ALL that Is and Ever Will Be

Eternal Love Consciousness



With All My Love -which is yours-





Wishing You Holy Days......

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you, Andrea! I just came across your post. (Had to play catch-up, lol) I feel these words so deeply. May Source bless you and fulfill all of your hopes for yourself and humanity. It is a journey that takes place collectively, and yet is a very individual process for  each person. Sort of like a billion different snowflakes making up a bank of snow. We love you deeply and embrace your divinity as we embrace the All That Is within our selves. Please continue to shine your light brightly for all of us. Namaste.