Words of a Pleiadian Starseed: Jesse Loya

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I think of it many times, every morning, every night.
I see it in every projection, thinking I came down to this planet, not only me but many, many others like me, from out there, from the Star Forces of Light.
WE came down here to Wake Up the Humans who have been Shut down to Sleep and trapped on this Planet.
We came down here to unplug them from the Reptilian Matrix that is up visible in the sky, the Fucking Moon!!! You see it now, that’s the Truth, is visible and they don’t see it.
Humans have been manipulated to think that they are the only ones in the universe, manipulated to walk and repeat everything every single day, the Matrix mode.
We incarnated on this planet for a mission, to help Humans see their reality, to help them get unplugged from the enemies Systems.
We came down here to Help them decode their multidimensional reality, not the Moon Net’s reality.
An Electromagnetic Net that we the Pleiadians can’t defeat or destroy but only the Humans can from the inside, and that way is Waking them Up.
Wake them up so they can move on to the Next Dimension and be free. Wake them up so they can move on and be free out of the Reptile control.
The Native Americans do remember their Lyrae ancestors who came here refugees of the Lyrae/Draco war; the Native Americans do remember their ancestors from the Stars. The rest were genetically changed, and enslaved.
But we are Here to wake them up, To Set them free!! WE are unarmed but We are trained, to Rescue them.
We are not alone; the Humans are not alone…. There are Galactic Armies and Forces of Light supporting this Homework and we got to get it done.
We are done, we defeat the Retiles and their Illuminati Earth governments, We will save them All!!!
Remember, the Galaxy is being affected by Earth, Earth is in crisis, is in sadness and death.
We Starseeds win this!, the whole Universe will celebrate the Rise of Light, the Rise of the Human race, We will all celebrate the Union of the Humans with the Pleiadians Family of Light.
We will celebrate the Dimensional Shift of the Humans.
We Pleiadians, Love you all!!!
Remember…….. Us, the Starseeds remind you of them….. Humans, remember us…………..
I Remember!...
I was one of them, I was a Pleiadian! I will remind you, There are many others like me Here on Earth to support this mission on Earth.
Peace, Love and Light.