Working with the LOVE that IS as a frequency

Lia's picture


The cleansing and clearing process is now fully underway upon the planet earth, the outpouring of the lower energetic frequencies working to help heighten the energy signature of the human race. Many are experiencing much depth of emotion and it is important to realise that when the lower energetic frequencies are cleared from the human vehicle there exists a "space". This space is where the lower energetic frequencies resided, as nature does not like "spaces", energy will flow into these spaces. It is important that this is consciously dealt with and that the energy that is poured into your human vehicle to address these spaces is the LOVE THAT IS.

The lower energetic frequencies once released from the human vehicle still exist, they may not be fully transmuted and they may "hang around" so to speak. Many who are unaware of the energetic climate of planet earth are picking up on these lower energetic frequencies that have not been transmuted and they are re-ingesting them. The "spin" that is being put out across the world by the media is actively trying to re-inforce this for the lower energetic frequencies need a low energetic human vehicle to embed themselves within.

At this time many are doing a lot of energetic work which is fantastic but it is to remembered that responsibility for your energy signature rests with YOU. When working to cleanse and release it is VITAL that you hold the intention to release and for the energies to be TRANSMUTED back into the LOVE THAT IS. If you do not do this then you may in effect be falling back down in vibration as you have only completed half of the cleansing process. Any time you release lower energetic frequencies it is important to "top up" with the higher energies and to ANCHOR THEM.

Anchoring higher energetic frequencies need only be done once, such is their strength that they work to rebalance at all times. This is why many are going through the highs and lows of the human experience but in a sort of speeded up way just now. You may start of the day feeling great but by lunch time feel like you want to scream. Energies are shifting CONSTANTLY, there is no such thing as "same" and the frequency you resonate to when you awake is not the frequency that you resonate to when you go to sleep, for the human race AND mother earth is shifting moment to moment intensely at the moment.

It is not appropriate to lay the "blame" of how you feel at someone else's feet, understanding that ALL upon planet earth are shifting in energy signature from moment to moment will help you understand the need to be in balance and in the LOVE that IS. The LOVE that IS is the only energy frequency that is strong enough to help you maintain balance. This is not the LOVE that is defined upon planet earth as romantic love this is LOVE, the very fabric of the universe. It is not possible to LOVE those around you if you do not anchor LOVE within your own human vehicle, the flow of the LOVE that IS has now INCREASED upon and within planet earth as a direct result of the heightening of human consciousness and the release of the lower energies.

As we have stated clearly the planet earth and her peoples are being prepared for the disclosure process. The BEings that we share this universe with exist at a very HIGH vibration and the depth of the LOVE that IS they carry is immense. To interact with these BEings is to experience INTENSE LOVE and that is what you are being prepared for at this time. It is something that the human race has been taught does not exist. Many of you at this time may be experiencing various symptoms and these will be addressed by the realms on both the Whispering Universe website and the Galactic Portal website under DISCLOSURE.

Fluttering or pain in the heart is a common symptom, (obviously we would ask that if you are not in the best of health you get this checked out, we are not medically trained and would ask you to get the all clear before ignoring any heart pain). The heart space has been closed within the human race for aeons, as the heart space opens up to more energy flow this may be felt as a sharp stabbing pain or a rapid heart beat that comes and goes. Falling over is a sign that your human vehicle is downloading intense energies and that these energies need anchored and GROUNDED. It is VITAL to ground, we have heard of many teachings that state grounding is not necessary in the higher energies, this is distortion. You can reach any level of vibration you wish to but first of all you must ANCHOR and GROUND your human vehicle, remember you are energy WITHIN a human vehicle. The human vehicle does not take kindly to being left "unplugged" from mother earth!

You may also experience intense emotion from those around you, remember the NATURAL state of the human vehicle is CONNECTIVENESS. As you move through the cleansing and clearing process you will be come naturally more sensitive to energy. Other human beings are energy, it may be that you walk into a store and you can FEEL the emotions of those who are standing around you. This may be overwhelming when first experienced, grounding and stepping into a ball of pure white light may help you at these times. Remember you are here to connect to the rest of the human race you are NOT here to process their emotions for them, please resist the urge to do this, it serves no one at this time. Those who are Pleiadean in origin may have to consciously choose to stop doing this, this is a natural gift of the Pleiades but is a challenge to the harmonisation process if it is not held in check until the process is complete. For more information on Pleaides star seeds and their challenges please visit the Whispering website.

It is also helpful to understand why you are going through a process, imagine if you will waking up one day and being able to FEEL everyone in the entire world, their emotions and their FEELings, add to this the emotions of every animal, every tree etc etc ALL AT ONCE and then imagine how you would cope with this if this happened overnight. Many are stamping their feet demanding the process to move faster and to become more intense, the human vehicle is vibration, it serves no one at any time to move this vehicle past where it can comfortably go, for the result could be the end of the human vehicle. We are offered the chance of ascension in HUMAN FORM, this is the process that you are now actively involved within. Undertake to become more aware of this amazing process and work WITH the energies for at all times the universe is working to help you.

Also remember to BREATHE, keeping a journal of how you feel emotionally and physically may help you realise how you are moving through this process for many changes are subtle but ongoing. When was the last time you ate meat? drank tea? often these little changes go unnoticed and these are just the more obvious ones.... you are changing into YOU more and more each moment. Have LOVE and compassion for ALL at this time especially SELF for YOU are akin to a butterfly and at this time you are spinning the cocoon, changing and shifting ready to leave and to fly to heights you have never before experienced in this your human form.

with much love and many blessings


copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
