~World-wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations! Friday 11 November 2011~

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~World-wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations!
Friday 11 November 2011~


To add your event to this list please contact Tatanka Nehweh on tatankanehweh@gmail.com


Events listed below in black are not confirmed - please contact the organisers to see if there is an 11.11.11 celebration at their venue.  


For help in how to lead ceremonies see here                                      

Sedona Conference with Solara an-Ra & Tribe: 11 - 13 Nov: Return of the Wisdom Ways  More info here
Fri 11th 10am - 2pm: Free 11-11-11 Ceremony & Gathering out on the land! Solara An-Ra, Anrita Melchizedek, Aluna Joy Yax'kin, Gabrielle Young, Amateo-Ra & more! 

Lake Titicaca, Bolivia: 11.11.11 sacred journey with Solara An Waqui. http://sparksoflight.com/calendar/spiritual-travel-2/spiritual-travel/   Contact  Solara@sparksoflight.com


Teotihuacan, Mexico City: 11.11.11 ceremony with Armukara Angel & tribe. Contact armukara@return2self.co.uk




MEXICO/GUATEMALA - 11:11:11: "Activating the Mayan Stargate" - Full Moon in the Land of the Maya.  Walk through the 11:11:11 Stargate on November 11, 1011 during our 11-night spiritual tour to the Mayan Temples of Mexico and Guatemala, coming up November 3 to 14, 2011. Join famed radio personality Sean David Morton and best selling author and spiritual teacher Dr. Susan Shumsky, whose vision made this once-in-a-lifetime experience possible. Join us as we experience the Full Moon in Tikal on 11-11-11. We will tour the sacred Mayan sites of Ek Balam, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Labna, Palenque, Tonina, Yaxchilan, Tikal, Uaxactun, and Chichicastenango. We will participate in sacred ceremonies at ancient temples, power spots, and spiritual vortexes, with Mayan Elders.
For more information:www.mayanstargate.com


PERU: Cusco adventure. Nov 1st - 15th 2011. Explore ancient ruins with shaman Isabella Stoloff. Experience plant medicine in the Amazon. Expand your consciousness and 'Open Up to Your Authentic Self' on 11-11-11. For more info and to reserve a spot see www.ochealingcenter.com or contact Isabella Stoloff at isabella@isabellastoloff.com

PERU: Lima. 11.11.11 portal. Peruvian Amazon Plant Medicine & Yoga Retreat Immersion In Shipibo Culture. Meet in LIMA 6th November to 29th November to be in ceremony in the rainforest for the 11 11 11 portal. More info on my website www.themysteryschoolofamaru.co.uk


EGYPT: Jacquie Nellie & tribe 11/11/11 sacred journey. We will be in the kings chamber on the 11.11.11 and visiting Saqqara temple. Contact Jacquie Nellie jacquie_lou@hotmail.com  

EGYPT: Giza. We of Goddessremembered.com will be in the Great Pyramid on 11.11.11. at 4 p.m. Egypt time. Contact Dr. Carole Thomassy at isis2000@optonline.net mailto:isis2000@optonline.net +1 203-964-8130


ENGLAND: Bristol, Stanton Drew Stone Circle. £1 site entry + donation. Wedding of Diamond Light Mandala Map with 108 human anchors (seeking participants!), together with the crystal skulls, performing a sacred connection dance in the three stone circles. For more info contact Laura Pocket laurapocket@sapphirebluedragon.co.uk (tele: 07916260433) or www.sapphirebluedragon.co.uk




US: Sedona. 11.11.11 Gaia-and-Tribe Sedona Conference: Return of the Wisdom Ways Fri 11th: Free 11-11-11 Ceremony & Gathering out on the land! Solara An-Ra, Anrita Melchizedek, Aluna Joy Yax'kin, Gabrielle Young & more! More info here.

US: Atlanta, GA. 11.11.11 ceremony at Horizon Center for Intuitive Development and REHO (Rainbow Earth Humanitarian Org.). For more info contact: Glenda Gable glendagable@yahoo.com

US: Sedona. 11/11/11 Journey Through Your Stargate gathering at 840 Jordan Road in Uptown Sedona. 6:30pm-9pm. For more info see http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=183256741713636 or contact sedonaceremony@gmail.com. PLEASE NOTE- Parking: Sedona Ceremony allows those who are physically challenged priority parking at the ceremony grounds. For those who carpool (3 or more to a car), first priority is given to use the lower parking lot at the City of Sedona's Heritage Museum. Please do not park on the ceremonial grounds if you intend to depart early. All other guests will be sent to the City of Sedona's municipal parking lot .3 of a mile from the ceremony property. Peace Place on Jordan Road also allows for our guests to use their parking for ceremony.

US: Florida (Sarasota): ‘The Tree’ Siesta Key Beach. 11.11.11 gathering at 5pm for 'Sounding of the Bowls' Ceremony. Those who have crystal or tibetan bowls please bring to help anchor with sound the intensions and prayers for the uplifting of human consciousness. RSVP and for more info contact: Jo Mooy at jo@starsoundings.com +1941-866-5752 www.starsoundings.com

US: Mt.Shasta. Nov 11 & 12, 2011. In this 11.11.11 activation event you will tune your energy field & activate your DNA with the newest patterns of Earth & the cosmos. Required previous participation in the 10-10-10 transmissions from last year's event, with the crystal set. There are a few sets left, so if needed you can catch up before this event. We will be building on the 6 Atlantean Crystals that you have been working with since 10-10-10 which have undergone upgrades to realign with them & introduce the new one being activated this year. Much of this work will be done inside the powerful Mt Shasta Pyramid. You can also join in remotely. For more info contact: Antera or Omaran cse@soulevolution.org http://www.soulevolution.org/events/11-11-11/11-11-11-register.htm

HAWAII: Big Island. 11.11.11 Aloha Blossoming Stargates Tribal Ceremony. For more info contact Star Hawk theorchidalchemist@gmail.com www.orchidelixirs.yolasite.com.

US: South Florida, 130 NW 24 St, Miami, 33127. 11.11.11 Gathering at the "Grey Area" gallery, in the Miami Midtown/Wynwood Art District. This is a FREE EVENT! We ask everyone to bring their light, knowledge, questions and creative expression for this beautiful collective exchange. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=227934803927719. Featuring Rev. Wanda Richert http://www.positivepretending.com/ll--ll--ll-MIAMI-CELEBRATION-.html and myself, along with many fellow artisan brothers and sisters of light. As of yesterday, the incredible Mr. Michael Capponi AKA The Pied Piper of Jacmel, Haiti will be participating as well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwULzV5nZFg&feature=player_embedded

CANADA: BC Okanagan Valley. 11.11.11 gathering. For more details contact Patricia Zierler iisjoy@yahoo.ca

CANADA: Alberta, Claresholm. 11.11.11 @ 4:11am ~ Body Integral gathering for 'Fire the Grid Meditation'. For more info please contact Lise Schulze @ lisebet@telusplanet.net or +1(403)625-3959

GERMANY: Rheinland-Pfalz,76863 Hayna. 11.11.11 celebration. For details contact Marion Ohmer marionohmer@online.de (tele: 49 (0)7276502886) 

NAMIBIA: Farm Rodenhof, Otjiwarongo. 11.11.11. gathering at my Open Heart Medicine Wheel! We will work with the energies, do some meditation and drumming & also walk the Labyrinth. Contact Aletitia Todtenhofer rodenhof@mweb.com.na tele: +264 67 306289 

SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town, Ou Kaapse Weg. 11.11.11 gathering at the GREAT BURIAL CAVE and CRYSTAL TUNNEL / ASCENSION CAVE. Meet at 9am at car park 1km from the Sunvalley Mall on the right at entrance to the trail leading to Peers Cave. 9:00am to 1:30pm. Please bring sacred items that you feel will have some value to the ceremony, listen to your heart and trust your mind in this regard. Bring Sun, wind, rain protection, water and a light snack to share. Donation suggestion R100 in support of Sacred Site Foundation of SA. For more info contact Dean Liprini at dean@sunpath.co.za Tele: 0794048762 www.sacredsites.co.za

WORLDWIDE (FIRE THE GRID): Petition for all to gather in their local groups on November 11, 2011 at 11:11 GMT to express our thoughts as one Heart, one Soul, one deeply loving intention for the New Earth, the New Humanity as we enter this gateway to the new earth field energies. Together we will seed/program this field with all the hope, love, light that we wish to experience in all days to come on a global and personal scale. http://www.firethegrid.com/eng11/index-2011.htm


WORLDWIDE: 11:11:11 Ascension | CyberShamanic Dance Wave. A Global Celebration of Awakening through Dance Opening the Gates to the 5th World of Light. Join us for a 2 hour transmission of magical sounds to deepen, activate and transform your being into the 5th Worlds of Light through this trance style dance event. You can participate via our global broadcast or attend an event in your area. You can even host an event if you are planning a celebration. Check our Global MeetUp for events in your area and sign up.
http://www.meetup.com/11-11-11-Ascension  http://www.11-11-11ascension.com




ENGLAND: Brixham, Devon. Contact Amuna Ra Amuna@PleiadianRegression.co.uk or 07532 195256
ENGLAND: Glastonbury. Contact: Urtema Dolphin 07896340495 urtema@hotmail.co.uk
ENGLAND: London. Contact: Essense us@essense.me
ENGLAND: Gaia-Rden, Streatham. Contact: Pascale 07949889901 http://web.me.com/heike.ruby59/hei-chi/Streatham_Ascension_Pad_.html
ENGLAND: Dingwall. Contact: Coleenmackenzie@hotmail.com
ENGLAND: Avebury. Contact http://www.crystalhealingcourses.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=39&Itemid=59
ENGLAND: London. Contact Kathryn Reynolds hawthorncove@gmail.comhttp://www.movingartsbase.eu/index.html
ENGLAND: Western Super Mar, Bristol. For more info see www.ekaheart.com
ENGLAND: Avebury. Contact: Peter Knight stoneseeker@waitrose.com Tele: 0775 408 2691 www.stoneseeker.net
ENGLAND: St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Contact Eloise Bennett seraphinatempleoflight@btinternet.com (tele: 01437 779992)

SCOTLAND: Collumcile Hall, Edinburgh. Contact: www.AngelLight.co.uk or call 07979961797

GERMANY: Berlin. More infowww.creationxp.de phone +49 30 171 699 8491

SPAIN: Partida Benimarraig 83B, Benissa, 03720 Alicante. For info contact: Gay Darrington g.darrington@hotmail.com

SWEDEN: Smala (Eriksmala). Contact Birgitta Lindstrand:bjarka@spray.se
SWEDEN: Stockholm Judarskogen Bromma. Contact: Anita anita@spiritjourney.se www.spiritjourney.se/aktuellt mobile 0708-926 900 www.spiritjourney.se/Aktuellt

NETHERLANDS: Sparrenlaan 14, 3868 BG Soest . Contact: Loes Pohlkamp loespohlkamp@casema.nl or telephone 035 5880980 or 06 46693225
NETHERLANDS: Amsterdam. Contact: Joan Muller joan@bodyatheart.com +31 616 21 44 37

POLAND, WESIORI: Contact Natalia: natalia@yoganatis.com

US: Mt.Shasta. Contact: Antera or Omaran cse@soulevolution.org www.soulevolution.org
US: California. Contact: Isabella Stoloff +1 714-603-8624 http://www.ochealingcenter.com/
or jo@starsoundings.com www.starsoundings.com
US: MISSOURI (Wright City). Contact Mary 314 608 4424
US: Arizona (Tempe): Contact Tabitha tabchaldaris@yahoo.com
US: NEW YORK (Queens): Shekinah Temple - Contact theshekinahtemple@gmail.com
US: SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: Debra Peterson www.HealingEarthVortexes.com
US: MISSOURI (St Louis): Contact Chris & Cindy Rouse: crouse@carlsonwagonlit.com
US: West Virginia (Bruceton Mills): Contact Elsa Tiernan elasa1212@hotmail.com
US: New Jersey (Nutley): Contact Debra (973) 667-6293
US: West Virginia (Bruceton Mills). Contact Elsa Tiernan elasa1212@hotmail.com
US: Florida. Contact: Jo Mooy or Patricia Cockerill at 941-866-5752 or jo@starsoundings.com
US: COLORADO (Boulder). Contact Cynthia: cynthia.kendall@gmail.com
US: St Louis, MO Contact: John johnnyrose@charter.net
US: NY, Pine Island. Contact: Christina starchild1966@optonline.net
US: Bushwillows Retreat, Shadow Hills, California. Contact: Lanaiya King on +1801-604-2585 or +1661-644-2350www.bushwillows.com/
US: Bruceton Mills, WV. Contact Amy Snyder butterflylightpath@yahoo.com
US: Lone Elk Park, St. Louis, MO. Contact Teresa Bentely tmbentley1@gmail.com www.stlouisco.com/parks/loneelk.html
US: Tempe Centre for The Arts, Arizona. Contact:Tabitha thecomedyproject@yahoo.com
US: COLORADO (Boulder). Contact Cynthia: cynthia.kendall@gmail.com
US: Tempe, Arizona. Contact: Lynne Newman raynbow@frontiernet.net
US: Asheville, NC. Info www.stardoves.com
US: Bradenton (near the Bay), Florida. Contact: Toni Lamotta celebrationcntr@aol.com http://www.tonilamotta.com
US: Florida. Centre for Spiritual Living. Bradenton, Florida. Contact: +1941-756-0400 www.mscsom.com
US: Roanoke, Virginia. Contact: Donna Cox (tele+1540.293.3777)
US: Whitehall, Michigan. Contact: Sandy Teichmer sandi.teichmer@gmail.com tele +1231-282-0390

CANADA: Toronto. Contact: Kevin Nelson kornkob1@sympatico.ca
CANADA: Kootenay Lake. Contact:Joseph-Mark josephmarkcohen@gmail.com
CANADA: RED DEER (Alberta). 375 Barrett Drive. Contact Lorraine: trouble23@shaw.ca or 403-342-6419
CANADA: White Rock, BC. Location:18065 29A Ave.,Surrey (Labyrinth Community Site ). For more info contact Mark Trevis marktrevis@gmail.com
CANADA: PORT ALBERNI on Vancouver Island. Contact Katie katiemcinnes@yahoo.ca (WILL BE ATTENDING CEREMONY WITH SOLARA ANRA FOR 11.11.11)
CANADA: Ontario. Contact: Ila (519) 941-4574 ila@circleofchange.cap www.circleofchange.ca

SOUTH AFRICA: Durban. Contact Keith Greene Universal@teacher.com
SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town. Contact: MUNAY TUSUQ (Carol George) graydon@kingsley.co.za for details.

NAMIBIA: Contact Aletitia Todtenhoferrodenhof@mweb.com.na tele: +264 67 306289

BRASIL: Contact Jordi Barrett jordibarrett@yahoo.es
BOLIVIA: 45mins from La Paz (Puerto Perez near Lake Titicaca). Contact: José Luis Kafka tormenta7azul@yahoo.es (Tel: 71525820)
URUGUAY:Montevideo. Contact: Rosa Maryrosakeuchkerian@gmail.com

INDIA: Patnem Beach, Goa. For more info: www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=149065688479281
