World's Oldest Cave Art Found—Made by Neanderthals?

Rain's picture

Ker Than

for National Geographic News

Published June 14, 2012

The ''Panel of Hands'' in El Castillo Cave, Spain.

In El Castillo cave, hand stencils join a red disk (not pictured) that may be Earth's oldest cave art.

Photograph courtesy Pedro Saura via Science/AAAS

Prehistoric dots and crimson hand stencils on Spanish cave walls are now the world's oldest known cave art, according to new dating results—perhaps the best evidence yet that Neanderthals were Earth's first cave painters.

If that's the case, the discovery narrows the cultural distance between us and Neanderthals—and fuels the argument, at least for one scientist, that the heavy-browed humans were not a separate species but only another race.

"It adds to evidence Neanderthals were not a distinct species," archaeologist says.
To read the rest of this story, visit National Geographic.
