Would You Like To Become A Tree After You Die? This Urn Could Turn Our Graveyards Into Forests

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“Bios Urn changes the way people see death, converting the ‘end of life’ into a transformation and a return to life through nature. [It is] a smart, sustainable, and ecologically friendly way to approach what’s, probably, one of the most important moments in human life.”

This urn enables your pets, your loved ones, or you to become a tree after you pass on by transforming the ashes into a tree. “After you die, do you want your body to feed worms or to feed squirrels?” asks the Bios Urn team. This concept was designed by estudimolinea Spanish design studio.

The urn is made of cellulose, compacted peat, and a coconut shell. It is 100% biodegradable. It consists of two parts, a seed capsule on top and a bottom for the ashes...
