~The Year of 2012 is the Year of No Excuses~
Wanderer of the Skies says today that the intensity of the drama will increase.
What we have to watch for is that the intensity of our own drama does not increase.
You remember how last year I discussed how our vasanas (habit patterns) would be what trip us up as we head into 2012? Well, as we get into real lightwork, the reasons why we came here, if we have vasanas, this is the time when they’ll begin screaming.
There isn’t time any more to process them in the manner in which we used to. We now have to simply recognize when our vasanas are screaming and resolve not to let them dictate how we’ll respond to things.
Sanat Kumara said on Dec. 7 when speaking to a group of us that humanity loves its processes. They love to attend workshops and process things. But now, he said, they hate their processes because the time has come for instant transmutation. (I’ll have more to say about instant transmutation in another post.) Processing is too slow now and, if we’ve set our minds to processing everything, we’ll suffer.
What is arising at this time – because we’re being sped up, activated, and called to service – are our leftover reactions when we’re asked to do something we don’t want to do or go at a speed we don’t want to go at: irritation, jealousy, drama, etc. But rather than cycle through all that, let’s just go for the head vampire.
The head vampire can be summarized in two words: “I want.”
The “I” is the separative ego and the want is our desires.
The Buddha put it in a slightly-different way when he said the chief problems were ignorance, craving and desire. The separative “I” or ego is the source of ignorance. The desires are craving (I want) and aversion (I don’t want).
We need to step outside the box called “I want.” It isn’t about us any more and it isn’t strictly about what we want. Not in this phase of service anyways. In a general sense it is since we all want Ascension. But when we serve, we often have to do what we don’t want.
The year 2012 is the year of no excuses. No excuses from the galactics, no excuses from us. It’s the year of action, of delivering on our promises, of living from our stand.
I am a stand for integrity, truthfulness and harmlessness. Harmlessness comes first. Just to illustrate, I’ve had a high-energy and colorful exchange with a prominent lightworker. I could post that exchange and coax a lot of mileage from it if that was what I was about.
Kiss and tell – or perhaps confront and tell. But that isn’t what I’m about and I assume it isn’t what he’s about either. We have work to do. We have a new world to bring in and that’s a world that works for everyone, not just for me. It won’t be created if what “I want” is the star I steer by.
Archangel Michael said on Monday that, if we’re frustrated, that circumstance is more important to pay attention to than wishing for the big show to start. Why? Because, he said, frustration was old paradigm. I’d say frustration is a vasana. Same thing. We need to remain clear of the old paradigm or our vasanas if we’re to play a useful role in the big show.
Our vasanas are what will trip us up. There isn’t time to get rid of them now. There is only time to resolve not to speak from them but to speak from our stand. Let’s not project our vasanas on others. That’s a show-stopper but not of a productive kind.
Showtime! The lights are on. The curtain’s up.
Play your part. Give it everything you’ve got. Deliver on the promise of you being here.
We’re all watching. We’re all listening.
No more excuses. It’s time.