Yojman: June 04

glr_Andrea's picture

Yojman: June 04 

As Captain of my World
and for all other life,
I intend to embody
the fountain and reservoir
of Mother/Father God’s
Cosmic Love to the Earth…

I Am one with this Way;
and this Way is filled with Cosmic Virtue,
with which I desire to bless the World.

As it is now the moment of all Cosmic moments of
any clock and any time piece that I have ever given credence
to in any of my privileged lives ever lived on this sweet Earth.
OR, in any System in this Galactic region.   I know that I know that
all of the Magic–Magi’ ; and all of the Angelic like Beings :
All the beloved Elemental Masters of every graded order are
wholly focused on any Hu-man that will center their attention
or give focus in any way to calling in and anchoring more of the  
Light of Loves Illumining Power on, in and around this planet....

I have lived through many a Now Moments, but never a Now Moment of this magnitude !

May the Golden Pink Rays dance with
 the Electric Blue and Violet, in the entire atmosphere of Earth.

