You and the Global Shift - Vital Role of Community

a message from The Council of 12
by Galactic Love Reporter Selacia
Thursday, 9 February, 2012 (posted 17 February, 2012)
If you are like most people, you want to feel more connected with others and the world. You want to see more peacefulness and love expressed in relationships, in business, and between countries. You know you are alive now to make a difference – but how? Here are a few steps you can take to help bring about a brand-new model for coexisting on Earth.
6 Steps to Take Now
(1) Focus on what connects you to others and what you have in common and you shift from being a bystander who feels separate and different … to an awakening being learning to live fully and as one with all.
(2) Refuse to live your life in the shadow of conspiracy theories and gossip about what “they” plan to do next to keep you enslaved. You are a powerful being, equipped with a mind that can be focused on goodness and creating great things. Don’t let your little self or ego convince you that you are in prison. You are free.
(3) Change the questions you are asking. Example: “When will they fix this?” This question is not coming from your empowered self but from a victimhood mentality. Better question: “What can I do or not do to help remedy this situation?”
(4) Avoid going along with the crowd. Remember your divine changemaker role – at the forefront, leading the way. When it’s time to take action on something or to act boldly and do something others aren’t yet doing – trust your inner wisdom and act.
(5) Listen more, including to input from the universe about what’s really going on. When your only incoming channel is a fear-based news station, you won’t have a clear idea of how much progress is truly being made. Cooperative meetings with productive debates don’t make as many headlines as failed talks or meetings with angry outbursts.
(6) No matter what the world looks like, no matter how bleak things appear … you can be one of those with a new vision. You can take your place at the forefront, envisioning a brand-new type of world.
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.