You Are Already Safe and Already Perfect (why God does not protect the body)

FromYouToYou's picture

You can protect the body or the mind, but not both. God, Knowing this, protects you by not protecting what He Knows needs no protection. This is why He offers no protection to your body.

God Is, and therefore only Protects, the Mind. For God Is Mind. Another word often used is Spirit. And in this context, these are the same. God Is and only Protects the Mind and the Spirit.

The body is Satan’s and therefore only Satan protects it.[1]

Soon this distinction will be much easier to understand thanks to what you call “quantum physics” or “quantum mechanics.” This branch of what you call “science” is revealing the truth and importance of this distinction. And that is the distinction between the physical and non-physical, between the body and non-body, between form and the formless, between the phenomenal and noumenal[2] realms.

Quantum Physics is revealing that there is no form, that there is no physical reality. Form itself, the body itself…is but a representation of the mind, a reflection – a ripple – of it. Form does not determine mind. Mind determines form. The world does not cause your ideas and beliefs. Your ideas and beliefs cause the world. Thus does God not protect what He Knows to be unreal and incapable of protecting at all.

Your brother can kill you only because what you believe yourself to be can be killed.

What are you? Are you a body? If so, you will die. And thus, you will fear death. Surely you see this isn’t your brother’s fault. This is because of your belief, this is because of your idea of what you are.

Satan, agreeing with you, offers to protect your illusion. He offers his armies and police who defeat and punish evil. He offers his healers who give magical pills. He offers you idols that compete for your devotion.[3] He offers you leaders that promise protection. And he gives you walls and a roof that you call home.

All of these he offers you…in exchange for your soul.

He offers these to you in exchange for your Knowledge of Reality, in exchange for your Knowledge of What You Are. This is true only because to believe you need protection is to NOT know what you are. To believe you need protection is to be unaware of Reality. For in Reality, you are only Love. You are a reflection, a ripple, of the Thought of Creation and The Mind of God. You are Eternal because Love is Eternal. And you have Eternal Life because only illusions can die.

Thus does God protect you By Creating You. Thus does God protect you By Loving You. What Created by God and Loved by God could ever need protection?

And thus is Freedom Experienced.

For Here is the obvious choice, the choice to Believe what you want to believe. Are you a body? Or are you Love? Has God protected you? Or do you Fear? Are you in Heaven? Or are you in Hell? Do you worship God? Or do you worship Satan?

Satan demands your worship and devotion. God only Loves you. Satan tells you to be afraid and that there is much to Fear. God only Loves you. Satan points at Evil and screams of its power. God only Loves you. Satan trembles at your power and demands you choose now. God only Loves you.

The pattern will become clearer and clearer as you begin to Listen for God and finally understand His Mind. God does not protect you because He Loves You. God does not save you because He Loves You. For God Knows, even when you do not, that what God Loves needs no protection and needs no salvation. For what God Loves is already safe and already Perfect.

[1] I use “Satan” synonymously with “Ego” and am not referring to the “Satan” of the Christian Church. This is explained thoroughly in the journals so I will not explain here, but for anyone concerned with the word “Satan,” simply replace it with “Ego,” for they are the same.

[2] As was popularized by Immanuel Kant (see more here).

[3] (sports teams, corporations, celebrities, etc.)


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What is that which we call

will's picture

What is that which we call the mind, other than a collection of thoughts? And who's the One that observes those thoughts? Consciousness is much larger than a mind.

A Course in Miracles

FromYouToYou's picture

Will, thanks for your comment! Here we have simply a difference in our use of terms. If I was referring to "that which we call the mind," I'd have to agree with you completely. However, I'm more using the term here as A Course in Miracles uses it (I received this while studying the Course). You can read its definition here. Also, rather than offer my own comment, I'd point you to the Course's introduction to it's Clarification of Terms here where it states what I'd like to convey perfectly.

Read the entry again after taking this into account and I think it'll make much more sense to you. Peace brother!

Isn't it kind of confusing to

will's picture

Isn't it kind of confusing to use the same word for two incredibly different things? The way that nearly everyone on this Planet understands a mind, is not what God Is.

Yes, it is

FromYouToYou's picture

Will, I greatly appreciate your criticism. Thanks for reading and thinking about this.

Unfortunately, contradictions like these are inherent to the world of form and the language created to describe it. Yes, "mind" here is confusing; as is "spirit," as is "ego," as is "satan,"  as is, above all else, "God." Why are these confusing? Because they are separate words used to describe separate ideas used to justify our belief in Separation in the first place.

I do apologize as all entries I post here, and everything you ever read, will contain such contradictions and difficulties, as this is the very purpose of all separate words and of all separate ideas.

Nonetheless, with all that said, your point is well taken and I'll reconsider my use of the word "mind" in the future. You undoubtedly make a valid observation. I often "get lost" in my own way of describing these insights and at times need "waking up" to see I've forgotten how most people use these words and concepts. It seems here could very well be one of those times, lol. Thanks brother!