You are gearing up for the enormous changes that lie just ahead

glr_Andrea's picture


You are gearing up for the enormous changes that lie just ahead

09/19/2012 by John Smallman

You are gearing up for the enormous changes to your mode of living that lie just ahead.  Your energetic frequencies are being adjusted to cope with the astronomical increases in energy that will shortly be available for you to access, should you so wish, and most of you will because then your creativity will burst forth dynamically, offering limitless new directions to explore and enjoy.

You are creative beings, but within the illusion your abilities have been very severely restricted, and when you awaken all those restrictions will be gone.  The freedom on offer in your new domain is infinite and, in your present state, unimaginable to you.  There truly are no restrictions on the power that will be available to you or on how you use it, because when you awaken, every purpose that you hold, everything you choose to do will be guided by your unconditionally loving intent to delight all with the benevolent enchantment of your creative innovations.  And that is exactly what you will accomplish, constantly.

You are to leave the illusion and all its problems and liabilities far behind as you venture out once more into Reality, and the amazing and limitless opportunities that it offers for creative entertainment of an infinitely enjoyable nature.  Joy is your domain and your destination, and nothing can preclude your arrival there.

To look forward to something that you expect to bring you great happiness is normal, and while living on earth as humans many of you have done this numerous times, only to be disappointed.  Sometimes what you were waiting for expectantly was delivered but did not last for very long, at other times disappointment was almost instantaneous.  As humans you experience life as something that is always in motion, something that is passing you by, and you know that it will end whether you want it to or not.  Time is a thief that steals your life away, and many of you try desperately to make the most of it while it lasts, and that in itself can severely intensify the disappointments that you experience.

However, what you are now looking forward to, hoping for, and, perhaps, rather anxiously awaiting will not disappoint you, cannot possibly disappoint you. Release your fears, your worries, and your doubts because they are without foundation.  Your Father — the Source of all being — has promised that you will awaken, so no other outcome is even remotely possible.  His Love for you is consummate, all-encompassing, and His Will for you is that you be eternally exalted into the realms of divine ecstasy where He created you to experience everlasting bliss.

The eons that you have spent in the illusion seeking ultimate satisfaction, ultimate joy, ultimate happiness, have been painful and exhausting, and many times you have lost hope, even despaired, as what you sought remained hidden, concealed, and seemingly forever unattainable.  Nevertheless, this time has not been wasted, for you have been presented with and learnt many essential lessons.

The illusion is a place you built in which to play with the idea of separation from your Source — the loving Father who had created you.  You had everything, and yet it seemed to you that without Him, separated from Him, maybe it was possible that your freedom and your power would be significantly enhanced.  An insane concept since you were already infinitely free and powerful; you just momentarily did not believe it and allowed yourselves to imagine that impossible state — and instantly you built your inauspicious playground!

Your separated state was a shock: you were alone, frightened, and lost.  The illusion was filled with other beings who seemed to be extremely threatening to your well-being, and against whom you needed to defend yourself.  They were, of course, just disparate aspects of your one true Self, but you did not recognize them and you grew increasingly fearful.  However, God had ensured that you could not remain permanently unaware that these others were merely aspects of Yourself by establishing within each one of them the flame of His Love.  Initially you were unwilling to conceive of such a possibility because you feared His wrath. A wrathful god is impossible but you invented one to represent the fear you fell into when you seemingly separated yourselves from Him, and you thought that you had offended Him by your actions

You moved further into unreality and started to strengthen the fortifications and defenses which you had built to allay your fear and which you hoped would keep you safe.  The lessons with which you were presented were to show you the way out of fear by embracing love, so that you would release your ferocious grasp on the illusion, allowing it to dissolve.

And you have been learning these lessons well.  Love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness are sweeping through humanity as the realization dawns that nothing else will bring you peace.  And it is into this spiritually advanced state that you are rapidly evolving.  The realization that the power of Love is impregnable, that all in its path will coalesce with and be integrated into It has established itself in your collective consciousness, and is being expressed and demonstrated as never before.  The end of your journey is approaching.

With so very much love, Saul.


[Dear Friends,

I want to thank you all for your regular visits to the Saul Blog. I believe Saul’s messages are very apt and uplifting as we head towards awakening, and that by reading them we open ourselves, even if only for a moment, to allow God’s Love to fill our hearts, helping us to be Light bearers and way-showers to those who have yet to awaken.

I particularly want to thank those of you who expend the time and the energy to translate Saul’s messages into other languages, and to all who reblog them. They deserve to be shared widely because they are so inspiring and uplifting, and are in sharp contrast to what we generally read in the mainstream media.

So, thank you all very much and may you be always divinely blessed.

Love and hugs,





Enormous Changes....

Ra-Raela's picture

A very encouraging message. That being said, what's with all the masculine references to Source. Father, Him, He. I simply cannot accept that Source is just a man or masculine. What about the Divine Feminine? What about Mother God? Why do these gender identifications persist. They have disparaged females for too long! Actually, I cannot think of Source as either masculine or feminine out of balance. Why not say Heavenly Parent? That would include both genders. Our Divine Parent, who art in Heaven....Something to think about.

Yeah the sole masculine

Guest's picture

Yeah the sole masculine references with God bug me too, but the messages are so uplifting and I can feel the high vibrations of them, that I just accept the male preference when talking about God.  I too know God to be both male and female energy; maybe Saul only refers to God as male because that is what many many humans are comfortable with, or maybe it's John's ego that cannot get past the sole male identity.  Either way, no biggie.  Thanks John and Saul!!  Much Gratitude, Blessings, Love and Light!!!

It might be because John is a

will's picture

It might be because John is a man, and it's more easy for him to relate to God as a male. Often people's image of God is one and the same with their highest vision of their own Self.


mayo31311's picture

John.. Thank you for taking the time to share with the Family :) I LOVE