You are God - How you manifest and create your own universe (Commentary / Review)

Phil Rowen's picture

What or who is God? The answer lies within yourself. YOU create and manifest the reality you perceive as external around you, and you are responsible for what is happening in your universe. 

Every thought, emotion, fear, lust and so on that you have will in turn affect the Universe - The Universe is Mental, and it was created and still is being created by the "Word" - the Thought / Mind. Everything exists within The All - God - You. Do not search for God somewhere outside yourself, look within yourself to find Heaven and freedom. 

Everything External is a result of what you have Internal - in your Mind.

So what does this mean, and what am I trying to show you here?

Let me give you another example: Within your body exists huge amounts of cells, atoms, dna etc that makes up your being. And as most people know, with just one sample of microscopic dna you have a blueprint of yourself. Within the DNA exist your whole being, and thus it is possible to make a clone, a direct replica, of yourself from this DNA. This too can go on for infinity, by cloning the clone and so on, as the DNA will always be a direct copy of the original source DNA.

All over nature, and the universe, you find this pattern of infinity within a set finite system, whether it is the geometrical patterns of a snowflake, a seashell, or galaxies of the universe.

The endless and boundless exists within that which has an end and bound, thus both infinity and finity is co-existing and depending on eachother.

So we have then shown that endless creations can fit into a construct of set limits. Creation can continue growing for all eternity without ever exceeding the set boundaries of Existence - and here comes my point, think of the circle mentioned above as God, and the hexagrams within and Creation.

Everything exists within the Mind of the All, that which is God, and within God endless amounts of creations are possible, and the very fingerprint of how God functions is here all around us, within us, and indeed we ARE God and the Creators of the Universe.

Just as the First Cause in the examples above was the Circle, and everything within the circle could only exist because of the circle and thus is a part of the circle, so is God the First Cause of Existence, and everything that is must thus be of God, and in turn connected to the Godly Powers, and through the replication process just shown we all have God himself Within Ourselves. This understanding makes us omnipotent, able to do whatever we dream of, and create ourselves the very exact Universe we want.

We just have to become aware of God within us, and realize that we in fact create everything we perceive around us, whether we are aware of it or not. When we become aware of how creation functions, and that it originates from ourselves, we can be in control of that which happens in our own Universe.

Everything is subjective because we create all ourselves, and your Universe is not the same as anyone elses Universe, and what you perceive is not perceived the same way by anyone else existing within your Universe.

Confront and understand your Enemy, and you will confront and understand yourself.