You Are Loved ~ Joylin Hall

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You are loved.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made.

You have feelings for a reason. Your body and your feelings and everything in your reality are messages from your Soul. If you choose to pick up the phone, you empower your Soul. If you choose to ignore its calls to you, you are telling the truth of your Soul No, and you are disempowering the very life essence from which you spring forth. You are giving your mind the message that you are not worth listening to, that you are unimportant, that you are not truly made in the image of the divine, that your life expression is not valid. This is a lie.

How often haven you felt something very deeply but told yourself that you shouldn't feel it, or been afraid of dealing with it, or feared the judgements or reactions of others, and stuffed those feelings inside, never expressing them? Then they become pent up pockets of dense energy. Energy comes from somewhere, and it has to go somewhere. It never just ceases to exist. When it completes its reason for showing up, it is willing to move on. You cannot will negativity away by ignoring it if its whole purpose for showing up is to be acknowledged because it intends to bring a message. You can only get it to move on then by acknowledging it, thanking it for doing this for you, getting the message, and releasing it.

Your feelings exist for a REASON. Respect yourself enough to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. Do you know why you feel so much pain?? Negativity is presenting itself in our lives to be RELEASED!! And that is all it ever does!! When we feel negative emotions, that is our soul calling us on our telephone that is our consciousness, ringing through the ringer that is our feelings, to tell us that is time to RELEASE!!! And when we have buried our emotions so deeply, for so long, and they have fermented into something really potent and pungent, sometimes that release comes with a ton of emotional explosiveness. This is beautiful. We can express the truth of our heart out of the desire to be heard and seen and felt, for truth to be brought into the light for the good of the whole. And if we raise our voices passionately when that happens, GOOD! This is not yelling to hurt or oppress another or to take out our anger at another's expense. This is raw, brutal honesty because EVERYBODY involved needs it. Because we're being fucking REAL from here on out, and we're not going to play these silly childish games anymore. We're not going to perpetuate little illusions and play pretending games and dance around our feelings and beat around the bush anymore. When we feel that infection rising to the surface we have to squeeze it, pop that fucker, and get the oozy stuff OUT so we can heal!! AND FUCKING SCREAM ABOUT IT SOMETIMES!!!!!!! Let's all take the responsibility to GET our FUCKING FEELINGS OUT!!!!! We owe it to ourselves, for God's sake, and we owe it to each other, our brothers and sisters, because we are One. Nothing I do does not affect my family.

WHhhhhooooooohhhhhhh....... Doesn't that release feel good?

You know what density is bringing itself to the surface in your reality right now. It is obvious to you. Negativity is coming up to be released right now for all of us. You control the ease of this process in your own individual reality. The basic options are these -- both are perfectly equally effective and necessary and valid in different circumstances -- but infinite variations are possible:

Option one: The hard method:
1. Receive the feeling of negativity being triggered
2. Freak out
3. Talk about and look for external methods of solving this issue
4. Avoid personal responsibility, denying the fact that you are the only person who has the power to navigate the learning experience that is being presented to you.
5. Perpetuate resistance to the pain until it gets so extreme that the message becomes much, much louder and perhaps takes over additional communication channels and spreads the pain into more areas of your life in order to get through to you.
6. At some point finally break down and choose to own responsibility for creating your own reality and implement the changes being asked through that message (whether this happens as a consciously connected process or not is irrelevant and depends on the level of consciousness of the individual at that time in their path).

Option two: The easy method:
1. Receive the feeling of negativity being triggered.
2. Thank the feeling for arising, acknowledging that it must be here to bring a message that you are looking forward to receiving, and really FEEL it. Allow yourself to be totally in the experience of that feeling, free of any resistance to it.
3. By opening yourself to the intention of receiving the message, you automatically will. It might be a bit of a gradual process but the signs will reveal themselves wherever you allow yourself to see them.
4. Look for the teachings in everything. The signs will show up in whatever way they feel is appropriate. You don't get to decide the medium where they will appear, necessarily. It's better to let the messages show up in the way that is best for them. They know better than we do consciously.
5. Receive the message and do what it is asking. If it is asking you to communicate something with other people in your life, have the courage to do it. If it is asking you to change something in your belief system, do it. The changes you desire will fall into place directly as soon as you are beginning to implement the changes of heart being asked of you.

Note that even the "stubborn" path has its own set of learnings, as some messages have more depth to decode and therefore take longer of really feeling the feelings presenting themselves before they are ready to be released. You are not doing anything wrong, and your feelings are not invalid. You simply refuse to leave a lesson partially learned and walk away when your soul knows there is still part of that message left to decode. So have patience with yourself. Validate your feelings, be with them, and have the patience to love those feelings and the questions they bring up.

Know that the human conscious mind can only handle so much information at once. That is why the paradigm of Time has been created. In linear Time we have the ability to experience things in small bits. One at a time. So we can handle it and not be overwhelmed. Your unconscious mind knows everything that you could possibly ever need, and it withholds most of that information from you at every given moment. You can't have it all, or even more than a teeny tiny portion at once. So trust your unconscious, who knows far better than your conscious what you can handle, to withhold from you things for reasons that are wiser than you can know. When you do not understand something, it is because it is not yet time for you to understand it, because there are other critical parts of your timeline that need to happen first in order for that to be perfect timing when that learning does happen. All we have to do is accept the feelings we receive, feel them fully, and release them when they are ready. We cannot make this happen any faster than our Soul is allowing. It is not about the destination. The Journey is what it is all about.

So, Breathe.






Surrender to love.

Namaste, family. Thank you for hearing my heartsong.

See more of what Joylin shares here:
