We have shared that We gave You Souls, in the Form of One Male, and One Female, thus each of you have a Male or Female Counterpart, Called a Twin Flame. Once you Each received Souls, You Wanted to Go out and Journey, Play, Explore, Experience , Discover, and CREATE. It's just like letting your children go out and play. Many of you have Earth Children here, and you can understand this more clearly. These are the reference points we are going to use, to assist you in this Understanding. Our Children came to Us, and Said "We want to Go out and Play". Of Course our Answer was Go Out and Play.
Your Play is Creation, Creation makes up your toys. This equals Your Consciousness. Gradually, You neglected to clean up your toys [Equal to Consciousness] and you neglected parts of Your Self. It was never intended that you would forget Who You Are altogether, but this is what happened. You forgot that you Created all of This, and instead of being Creators, you became slaves to what you forgot you Created. You are Here on Planet Earth, to regather All these Toys [Your Light]. You forgot You Were This Light!!! You Are Here to Get Your Light Back, Take Your Power Back, and Rejoining Your Real Family in the Light. This is Your Duty and Responsibility for your Graduation and Don't forget to wear your robes!