Lia's picture









DEAR Julie, I did not read David Icke's book... But simply by knowing David and his teachings, he is one of the most brave and forward souls here on earth, started some 20 years ago, starting his awakening in the full knowing...


To answer your question: Yes we were slaves, complete slaves under dark alien cabal, who entirely conquered our minds and removed any spiritual growth through millenniums... actually they worked our spiritual growth backwards, till almost completely diminished in recent 100 years or so... started since 12500 years ago, since fall of Atlantis....


Now, at 2011, this slavery is not any more, only some residues of dark aliens/fallen gods/local minions are residing here on earth, struggling about their moneys, powers and assets, being completely afraid and totally dissembled as organization..... Not to many humans see this yet, but it is coming more and more with every day passing, with more countries standing tall and facing their govs to step down....


Now, more and more people of Gaia are awakening in the truth of our existence.... We are fully supported by our true Brothers and Sisters from the stars [Galactic Federation of Light, Local  & Universal Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Realm, and Mother Gaia, our co-humans Agarthans...], for more than 50 years they are in our space, and for last probably 6 years or so they are fully involved and they interfering with dark attempts to enslave our society even more ...  


Our Light Brothers are involved fully with our White Nights on the ground, with millions of Lightworkers that are awake, and ones that are still awakening with each day that this charade of slavery continues...


We simply have to realize that they will not hand to us solution how to free our self's... We have to remove the chains our self, by non violent, unafraid and compassionate actions... with caring for others rather than hoarding for our small and pitiful self interests... They will not come down in spaceships, until we [humans...] remove any wars, any slavery corporations by our self...


This sounds quite harsh, from our 'miserable' position, but we allowed this, by simply forgetting the God, and detaching our self's from spiritual living and loving co-existence [on earth or in space...]... So we have to find solution by our self's, and do not expect that some godly hand with galactic technologies will solve all our problems...


They are here, next to us, giving us triggers, and nudges, and shakes, to AWAKE, to start thinking by our self's... to start loving our neighbor, rather than raising legal suit against.... to start having compassion for hungry on other continent, rather than wasting thousands of $ on vacations and novelties and fashions... to start raising OUR OWN VOICE simply by NOT BEING AFRAID ANY MORE from govs, from feds, from police from spouse, from boss from nature....


There is no place on internet that you can find what exactly YOU SHOULD BE DOING to awake, and to remove this chain of slavery from your neck.... But there is place where you can find all ANSWERS THAT ARE RELATED WITH YOU AND YOUR ACTIONS: THIS PLACE IS YOUR OWN HEART....


You can see only examples in other brave souls like David, but this was his way how he get FREE... YOU have to find your own.... YOU will realize at this moment, WHEN YOU HELP YOURSELF, THAT GOD WILL HELP YOU IMMEDIATELY....


Just find God in your heart, and help is on the way... This is from my personal experience... .and it is most beautiful and humble experience that I ever had... THE KNOWING OF GOD ...


Knowing that GOD is with Me every single moment... That I can help others simply by staying centered and in peace, what ever is happening around me.... Knowing that I am loved no matter what others think about me and my actions..... Knowing that I love others no matter how they have being portrayed on media....


When you realize that you do not believe in God any longer, simply because YOU KNOW GOD... And you see him/her every morning in the mirror....


I am so grateful for your question, and please continue this way, where only you by your own research and actions you can see through all the lies that we were born in to.... I love you for your bravery dear Julie.... Predrag





Knowing God

Bonnie's picture

Yes, only by knowing God, in your heart, will you understand!