Your Four Elemental (Crystallin) Solar Light Bodies

Iamdivine1012's picture

Hello Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigo, wayshower's,

It has been a bit of "time" sense I have posted for a reason, a purpose. Now is the "time" to integrate the wholeness of your being "Who you are!" You ARE DIVINE! Release all perceptions of egoic Self. You are more, you (we) are infinite possibilities, awareness, unconditional love, wisdom, power, light!. As your higher self is integrating with all the other aspects of your divinity, if you allow, you will be lighting up. Clarity will be coming back. Our Oneness is coming forth consciencely, subconsciously, and super-consciencly. Allow and Surender! Remember, I AM Light, I AM Divine LOVE, Wisdom, and Power.  I AM WHOLE!, I AM that I IAM! So very important.