Your Heart Heals All

Unity5D's picture



The feelings and emotions within us are of great importance. We experience emotional rollercoasters of happiness and fear, love and hate. Love is the only weapon in this universe to overcome and heal your entire being. The strongest and purest connection that you hold with your angels, with god, with all life, is in your sacred heart space. By filling your heart with pure love, you open yourself up to healing, to the connection with the divine, and source energy. Your egoistic mind is one of the toughest challenges upon you now. You must create balance within. Mind, body and spirit are one. We are all on our individual journeys to self realization, and we all encounter personal emotional challenges. In those challenging times, it wont always be easy remembering that your love and your heart is the answer to everything. On the contrary, you will most likely want to think, and ponder and dwell on situations, not realizing that while doing that, you are hurting yourselves at a deeper and deeper level every time. This is a big challenge in our physical incarnation. Your mind and thoughts will cause you suffering. If you are able to remain in your heart, your perception on situations change. The reason being, your heart is connected to higher consciousness, higher self, love and the present moment. You are able to make wiser decision, you are able to use love, to heal yourself, and understand everything at a deeper level, without the mind interfering. Emotional challenges are big ones, because the cause so much pain. We sometimes feel so negative, that our mind has completely taken over. Mind will never understand love, will never understand healing. Mind is there to think, to analyze. When mind is balanced with heart, there is very little need to use it. Your heart takes control and your mind follows. Set your intention straight into your heart centers, your sacred heart space, and move the energy of love into your heart to begin the healing process. If you can realize what is the cause of the emotional trouble, and why it is causing suffering, you will realize it is because your mind is in control, and in result your heart is being hurt. Now try and function from your heart, a heart filled with love, and a heart that sees nothing but love in all past present and future situations. A heart and entire being that is YOU, full of love, and emanates a high vibration is directly connected with the highest energy in existence.

A mind that interferes with a heart, is a mind that believe it still takes control, and can lead into negativity. Shift your energy from head to heart, and let the ego/mind know that your Love and heart are stronger, higher, and the origin of you. Your heart always came first, your mind sets an illusion as if it never existed there at all.





Heart over Mind

Kalji's picture

Perfectly said and perfect timing too! The Ego will ensure it's existence by keeping the thoughts involved in hurtful past memories... Creating fear. I choose love and your message is validation of this lesson I have just endured. Thank you