The (Your) Possibilities Are Endless

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When you look at the world as a new place every morning of everyday the possibilities are endless. There is the choice every single day to open your eyes to new possibilities.

Yes, you will still have responsibilities, work, kids, cars that need repair. But as the sun rose to a new day so did you.

I have been working a lot on manifesting and Law of Attraction lately and have again concluded that it all starts with mindset. How your mind is programmed, as a computer is programmed, determines how your day will run. This is tied in with your thoughts creating your reality.

Can a computer be re-programmed? Absolutely. Can your thoughts, therefore your day, your life be re-programmed? Absolutely!

My morning starts with immediate gratitude. Before my eyes even open I welcome the amazing day. I do this before my thoughts can even make it near the slithering serpent of negativity. Then I open my eyes with smile.
