An increasing percentage of the population has been getting smart about the dangers of drinking cola and other kinds of soda pop, and they’re abandoning it in droves. So as an alternative to soda, individuals are choosing boxed and bottled tea as a primary substitute beverage. This is no surprise because tea has a list of health benefits that can’t be ignored. But unless you know which teas to choose, you may be simply trading evils and consuming toxic fluoride.
For those of you who haven’t really read about fluoride before, Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste chemical put into many communities municipal water supplies. While most of Europe rejects water fluoridation and many communities in the U.S. choose to end fluoridation due to activism, most communities still choose to fluoridate their water despite the known health dangers this toxin can have on the human body.
All tea plants have an affinity for fluoride, so indiscriminate consumption of tea can lead to soaring levels of fluoride in the body, especially if it’s brewed it with fluoridated water. The result can be dental fluorosis, a badly damaging discoloration and mottling of tooth enamel.