my drawing of my GOD/GODDESS I AM experience, and perfect color to resemble
the story behind this crystal is, well when i was 7 years old, my parents, my little brother and i went to a hot springs place somewhere in north arkansas or something, they told me to pick out one rock i wanted out of like TONNNNNNS of the most random "junk" pieces thrown into boxes to choose. YOURS FOR 4.99 (lol) and i was completely sure i wanted this one, it was the best color i thought, even tho my fav at the time was more blue lol... but there qwas white and blue layers in this of WHAT? i dunno! but check out the similarities n my vision i had along with the experience i posted below this one on the board:

I drew how those swirling lights looked the best i can lol. Its pretty accurate tho. They moved in perfect harmony around a perfect circle but the tails narrowed and they were just two lines or rods i noticed when they sloooowwed down befor
e they disappeared. I havent been the same since. Well my thoughts havent anyways. I may seem the same around ppl, i dunno. But i am feeling so different in the best ways u never even imagine. Im so grateful and i hope to contact them again! :) and now, looking back at my rock/crystal WHATEVER it is, (ill refer to it as my other half probly from now on :p ) i notice that flat angle toward the front, and short tailed point swirling right around to the back-right! its a PERFECT EXAMPLE of what i saw! the blues, the greens, the whites, its all in this rock i have kept close since a lil boy without a clue in the world. from arkansas to oregon to ohio to texas, and finally after many texas moves i live in houston and NEVER LOST IT even when i forgot i even had it! it never left my side =D