Info From SIDC – RWC Belgium 15 Jun 2012, 1202UT
A fast solar plasma cloud – coronal mass ejection or CME – erupted into the direction of the Earth on June 14. The cloud was associated with a long duration M1.9 flare peaking at 14:35UT. The cloud was first visible at 14:09UT in STEREO B/COR2 images. A speed estimation based on STEREO B COR2 images, gives a value above 1000 km/s. This means that the shock preceding the plasma cloud might arrive within 2 days. We expect also the cloud itself to arrive at Earth. This CME might catch up with the CME of June 13. We expect the arrival of this cannibalistic phenomenonfor late June 16, early June 17. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible. The geomagnetic conditions at the moment are quiet. The sunspot groups that were responsible for the flares of the past days, persist in flaring in the C level. Another M-flare is possible.