~Space Weather Update~ Several M Class Flares Inside A Solar Wind~

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CHANCE OF FLARES: Huge sunspot AR1476 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing even stronger blasts. The sunspot's 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field harbors energy for X-class flares, the most powerful kind. Eruptions in the days ahead will likely be geoeffective as the sunspot turns to face Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


NORTHERN LIGHTS: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the late hours of May 8th, stirring geomagnetic activity and auroras over parts of Europe. Graeme Whipps photographed the display from Scotland:

"A fantastic green and purple arc was clearly visible in the late twilight glow over Aberdeenshire," says Whipps. "I wasn't expecting this!" The full-sized image also frames a meteor slicing through the Northern Lights.

Manuscript of survival - A short update

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A short update


 •May 9, 2012 • 


We have come today to give you a short update on the proceedings. As you are well aware by now, the days ahead will be challenging indeed, but we think you will be able to take it all in your stride, or rather lying down. You see, many of these mentioned proceedings will take place during the nighttime, and as such, they might not be as apparent at first. But you will certainly know that something has happened, as these proceedings will leave a clear message in so many ways. In other words, these callers will leave their calling card, and we think you will all be greatful for their visit. That is all we have for you today dear ones.

The Light of Your New Life is Ready for Application!!

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This has been a unique few days.  That super moon really put a super vibration and message out on the field.  That intensity seemed to really amplify its reflective energy thru the readings I had on the 7th.  I could feel every psychic muscle I have within me being stretched to the max to understand and share what I was seeing.  By the time I finished my second reading, I was done… stretched to the max and when I tried to see for my 3rd appointment all I could see was a massive bright light… no details at all.  I had to reschedule the rest of my day.  I fell asleep long before dark and woke up at 4am hacking up a lung!

EARTH ALLIES 9.5.12... Is the real Obama about to stand up?... In Defense of Obama~ He is of The Light... MASTER OBAMA IS READY TO SHINE HIS TRUE LIGHT... FOR ALL TO FEEL... DECEIVED AND DECEIVERS...

AnaShyNa's picture

Dr. Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D. 5-7-12… “Is the real Obama about to stand up?”

Posted on May 7, 2012 By 
Kauilapele's Blog Commentary from Kauilapele'

This article by Dr. Ann Keilkamp came out today and I was drawn to post it here. It’s a written overview of yesterday’s Bill Wood and Eva Lee YouTube message (see also MP3s post here. I felt this was well put together, and summarizes many of the key points in Bill and Eva’s presentation.

Does this not ring true? – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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Does this not ring true? – Michael by GLR Ron Head

May 9, 2012 


We shall speak today on the topic of self-worth.  The importance of this cannot be over-stated.  Each of you has built a future constructed of dreams and desires which are your concepts of a better and happier life.  Most of you are wondering when you are going to see some evidence of these things in your lives.

FREEDOM PROJECT: Corporate Media Finally Admits Ron Paul Has Won 5 States And Secured RNC Slot ...TRUTH TRAIN IS HERE...

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This is great sign that MSMedia is changing their approach how they package the news... They are realizing they have to catch the Truth Train now or very soon they will be left on the "Lie and Deception Station"... 


Please, MSMedia anchors, pay attention: this is much easier to tell the Truth so your stomach pains will completely reside, when you tell the truth, at least for a week... 


With Love and Truth, PSG



Kauilapele Message from Source… “Welcome to the Extreme Illumination Games”

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Message from Source… “Welcome to the Extreme Illumination Games”

by GLR Kauilapele

There are many dramas playing out at this time. They rise up out of seemingly nothing, flare up for all to see, and then resolve themselves.

The Kp person has been a) seeing many of these on the internet, radio shows, forums, b) feeling many of these, within himself, and c) viewing this even among the animals around him. He is not to discuss the details at this time.


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