FREEDOM PROJECT: Reverend BIlly and The Exorcism of Blythe Masters with Max Keiser

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Reverend Billy and the Exorcism of JP Morgan Executive Blythe Masters

This is too funny... I needed some comedy relief after that food stamps chart.  Max Keiser presents the Reverend Billy, from the Church of Stop Re-Hypothecation, performing the excorcism of Blythe Masters. Masters is the JP Morgan executive who created the Credit Default Swap derivative that is currently bankrupting Europe.  Some rough language in this video so consider this far notice to those who might be offended....


~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~

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~Earth Allie Maia~

~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~



Beautiful day Star-Lights… With a warm heart wrapped around yours, may this message come to you with a week had and continuing within the empowerment in Loving the best of you, the inner-shine  radiating outward to all. 

The council meeting this week held an incredible high vibration of intuitive collective harmonic thinking, transcending a sweet guideline of what is to come and what it is we are here on the surface of this planet to impart as One unified force of Infinite Love’s breath in action.


What is on the menu? 

The descended masters are here to bring new management within a collective government as all contribute their unique qualities to the cosmic soup we are stirring as all heats up on this timeline. 

Gregg Braden - The Holographic Nature of The Universe

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Each time you think of Love, Are Love, See Love, remember you also Create and spread Love.


Each time you think of fear, become that fear, speak of fear, remember, you also create and spread fear.


You are part of One and All is affected by every thought you have. 


Think and feel only what you're looking for, or you won't find it. 



~ The Study done on Energies~

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There was a study done asking adults and children to draw where they felt certain feelings and emotions coming from.


 Below is the image that resulted when all of them were added together.



anger                 Joy                  Fear            Sadness       Love

"40,000 Norwegians gather to sing song mass murderer hates..."

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"Tens of thousands of rose-waving Norwegians gathered in central Oslo Thursday to deride mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik by singing a song he hates, viewing it as Marxist indoctrination.

Some 40,000 people, according to police, massed in the rain at a square near the Oslo district courthouse where Breivik is on trial for his July 22 attacks that killed 77 people, to sing "Children of the Rainbow" by Norwegian folk singer Lillebjoern Nilsen.


Inside the court, the 33-year-old accused right-wing extremist sat listening without showing emotion to powerful testimony from survivors of his bloodbath on the ninth day of his trial."


 Credit for this Article goes to "Brother Brett". :)

~Thank You Love~




Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian ~ 27 April 2012

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Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Mira The Pleiadian ~ 27 April 2012


On April 18th 2012, Mira from the Pleiadian High Council told our class that humanity is suffering from “post hypnotic stress”. She said that humanity has been holding on to an old third dimensional dream. The idea of having the house, retirement, a particular relationship, job, or certain financial situation are of the past. Humanity is awakening from its slumber and is creating a new dream that is far better then what it knew in the third dimension.


This new dream is one of love, unity, happiness, health, cooperation, peace, abundance, and so much more. During this transition time humanity is stressed because of the unknown. It is akin to being in a null zone. This is when one does not have a firm grip on its’ future.


Faith and trust and the ability to be present in the now moment is what works best for this situation. We are receiving bountiful blessings and assistance from our Creater and from the Light Realms.

I will be writing a new update in the near future.

In love and Light,

Valerie Donner
The Ground Crew

Lee-Anne Peters ~ The *Stars* Are My Home!

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Lee-Anne Peters ~ The *Stars* Are My Home!


I have been having many requests from readers lately wanting me to share more about my connection to the stars and my star home in Pleiades – my heart is so connected to this constellation in my sun sign of Taurus.


My conscious memory of this connection to my star home began as a deep remembering around the turn of the millennium when through several things these memories were triggered. At the time I spent a lot of hours under a telescope gazing at the starry sky. However, there was always one constellation that fascinated me – yes, Pleiades. 


Around the same time period in my life, I stumbled upon two amazing books by Solara – ‘The legend of Altazar’ and ‘The star-borne.’ Both incredible and both changed my life! As I peeled back my separation issues and the illusions I had been living under for my whole life (I was about 24 at the time) I began to remember who I was and where my true home was. Combined with the remembering of my home in the stars, I also remembered that I had another part of me out in the world, however my Twin Flame and I didn’t find each other physically for another 8 years!


Analysis - "Did NASA satellite capture giant UFO near sun?"

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Two frames as seen on NASA's Lasco c2 show similar oddities that are striking in resemblance to one another. Normally, I would simply say this is a cosmic ray hit and be done with it. However, this was compelling enough for me to take a closer look. Please leave a comment on your thoughts.

Original NASA Image One - 10/27/2011 17:00 UTC:

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12


by GLR Gregg Gilles

One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe. 


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