Poofness ~ 4/22/12 ~Get that surf board waxed, the big one is headed for shore~
Greetings and Salutations; It’s clear, no matter where you look, the world is collectively expecting ‘something’ massive to happen, and depending on who your guru of info is, it will be tailored in a certain way. Ie; ‘we’re all going to hell in a hand basket’. Basic physics here, energy is neutral until acted upon by an out side force. That force could be fear, translating information in the negative. A lot of people translate ‘change’ from the known as negative, because they can’t ‘control’ it.
That, they are just realizing History is in the making, leaves them suspect in offering advice. We’re not remaking sliced bread here but coming up with an entirely new cuisine. The only folks who won’t like the new menu is, the bad guys because, they aren’t allowed in the kitchen anymore. Some won’t even be able to be bus boys.
The above lyrics are from another time, expressing an idea of the times. ‘High Browns’ speaking to those times, that it was better to be lighter skinned if you were black, to hang out with the ‘white folks’. The young one’s this go around, will break the mold, they see it as a waste and simply will not carry that stuff into the future.