AnaShyNa's picture

Yet another questioning post... and you are wondering when he is going to stop questioning?... Is it really necessary to constantly questioning our present state of existence?...


Where my answer to this is: Yes... I feel to question this duality and dichotomy till I find all the answers?...  how to get out from this state of fear?... How not to react on events around US?... How to simplified our view what is truly happening around US?... Where to start with this transmutation?...


Will go backwards Up... Where to start with this transmutation?... The most nonlogical and non analytical answer is: Start within... Start transmuting your fears in to simple acceptance... Start feeling worthy for what ever came to you attention... Do not take is as penalty from FMGod, do not take is as karma... Simply take it as greatest piece of script ever written...



~God Bless America the Ancients Have Connected~

Lia's picture

 ~Yojman Came to Visit Father God and I today. He was here for a few moment's, however, within these Few moments we gathered in a three way hug in front of the Sacromento River. This Signaled the ancients connecting at Last. The Sacromento River we live next to, we could hear the raging waters whisper with the words "finally"! Below is the Email we just recieved from Yojman about our visit with Our response, which also contained the Song God Bless America. Meaning The I Am Race Is Established.


Earth Allie Yojman Chase: Mother~FatherGod, My heart and Mind just soared (and soars) when I saw (beheld) you at the door and back deck this evening.
       That ever knowing unhide-able Power of ancient Friends and Loves from long ago <||> each way. I See You.
       Beloved Father God was/is so happy and proud to be there. His Love for the water element,, so evident and facial
        Love you Pop !!!  love and dig You sweet Mamma !!




Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm

will's picture

Anthony Gucciardi
April 19, 2012


beecollapse 220x137 Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research FirmMonsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has bought up one of the leading bee collapse research organizations. Recently banned from Poland with one of the primary reasons being that the company’s genetically modified corn may be devastating the dying bee population, it is evident that Monsanto is under serious fire for their role in the downfall of the vital insects. It is therefore quite apparent why Monsanto bought one of the largest bee research firms on the planet.


How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 1/2

Lia's picture

How Peace Will be Restored to Earth ~ Part 1/2

2012 April 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

Looking at the world today, it’s hard to imagine how peace will be brought to the planet. And yet not only does the Company of Heaven declare it will, but that it’ll be stable and permanent.  Let’s review  how they say war will end on the planet.


Saul summarizes the circumstances that have led to more or less perpetual war in the world.


“For eons, conflict, distrust, and betrayal have been the standard modes of behavior for the vast majority of those living on Planet Earth, and for that majority it is almost impossible to conceive of any other way because it appears to be standard and normal, and to actually trust anyone would seem to invite betrayal and would therefore be insane.


The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely~ Steve Beckow~

Lia's picture

The Mass Arrests Will Remove the Cabal Completely

2012 April 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

On April 16, the Huffington Post featured a story on CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), which raised fears that the cabal was trying anew to censor the Internet. (1)


Has the cabal the power any longer to curtail our civil rights and bring in a repressive new world order?   Let’s take a moment to look in more depth at the subject of the attempts to take away our rights and freedoms, the planned mass arrests of the cabal, and the legal proceedings that will follow them.


Long ago (2008), Matthew Ward assured us that we need not fear initiatives like CISPA and that promise has not lost its relevance or promise today:  “Plans based in darkness will not come to fruition and all cruel and unjust laws, policies and traditions will be struck down and in their stead, love and fairness will reign.” (2)



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