~Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?~

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Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?

2012 April 19
 by GLR~ Stephen Cook


Is it just me, or is there an incredible stillness in the air; in the atmosphere today? (Or tonight, wherever and whenever you may be reading this.)


For the past couple of weeks – actually I think it is way, way more than that – there has been a real energy increase; a buzz, an excitement, an electricity, a zapping, massive vibe running through – and to – me.


Some days it’s been tangible. Sometimes it’s been overwhelmingly in my face. Sometimes it’s left my ears ringing and ringing.


On certain days – and nights – the tips of my fingers have been literally alive with internal currents bouncing around within them.

Power Path ~ New Moon Update April 21, 2012 Beginning anew, Updating our Software

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Report through Pat Lile's
~Beginning anew, Updating our Software~

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Saturday, April 21 at 1:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time. For this new moon we suggest spending a few hours in the power of silence. Feel the power of the still point of the new moon and honor the still point in yourself that allows for things to be reset if needed. This is the great void where all possibilities exist. See if you can become aware in your silence of the void and its power. From this place, anything is possible and that is a powerful place to be.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~19~12 Upcoming Unique Alignments, Joy Producing~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~19~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Upcoming Unique Alignments, Joy Producing~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader ~ Large Scout Ship~ We are HERE~


Greetings Love Beings, Energy is on the Move as we Spiral Upwards energetically into the New Moon in Taurus with some Unique Alignments, which are Joy Producing. The Sun's Energy is just blasting into the Planet with Several Sunspots very active. In the day's Ahead we will See alot more of this action to Assist Mother Earth in her release process and Also of the Upgrading of Humanity's Body Hologram Systems.



Light and Love vibration in the fullest comming our way♥

valentin59's picture

Hello dear brothers ♥ and ♥ sisters!

Im just a humble student of the school of universe.

I want to tell you about what came to me last night when i was in bed:

This is what univers told me;

It is a messege of hope and love.

One very beutiful day-very soon we will wake upp and think:
Woow- What a strange dream i had-i was dreaming that i was on earth and that we were separated from our souls.
And this was very hard to grasp in the dream.
The strangest thing was-we hade decided this ourself.

And we was learning many hard lessons in this strange dream.
And in the end of this dream there will be a big  light and big vibration.
And then when we slowley awaken up from this dream,it fade away like a mirage
And the inbedded souls memmory will be  realesed in the golden morning after this dream.

In that morning we can open the doorway to love and it  will flow all around us and between every human on this earth and in all universe.

This light may come when we are asleep or when we are awake-it doesnt matther.

It will blow all the fear away.

It will take down the walls betwen all people

And howe do i know this?

I Had a glims of this ligt and the vibration when i got out in my garden earley one morning two years ago.

The higher purpose of this was to experience it and tell about it-to give hope and this is the righ time.

The light that came and enterd my body was pure lovelight-it changedf me forever.

All hate or fear left my body for this light-only pure love remained.
It was a earthquake of pure love-and then the vibration came -this vibration enterd into my body and penetraded everthing-my theeat was shaking in pur blizz
It was the higest vibration of love ,every cell in my body was lightend up... i dont find words for this feeeling

This morning are here very soon on a global scale

~Tune out mainstream media and tune in to your heart~Maitreya~

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Tune out mainstream media and tune in to your heart~Maitreya Through Beth Trutwin


Transformation Fractal Art By Earth Allie Will Harader

Purnaham Purnahamtaram. Om. Greetings this is Maitreya. I am speaking to all levels of your consciousness. I am Maitreya, the 9th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I come to you from a place in your Universe which is in your future. In this place the changes you anticipate for Earth have already taken place. We are here to Guide you through the steps of the transition from this moment in time.


2012 will be your year. It is in your best interest to be vigilant with your heart. The orders have gone out to begin dissolution of all the old precepts which you had created as a collective civilization. Do not be detached to the familiar leaving your space time. Release it. You must trust with all your body, mind and spirit. Not blind trust. Complete trust. Denial, fear and escapism are egocentric factors which will hold you up from the progress you seek. Tune out media and tune in to your heart. Take time to breath in the new and merge with Oneness.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-19-2012 – It's a Planet of LOVE~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-19-2012 – It's a Planet of LOVE~



Greetings Love Beings,

fear is indeed a weird beast... when you don’t know, you live in fear as everything seems scary. When you know you ask if it’s real, thus are afraid of what’s to come. If it does come it scares you. If it does not come as predicted, you’re scared. Is there something that does not press the “FRAR” button?


YES! Oh, look, there IS something... WOWWOW... Amazing! There is a cure against fear. Yes, it is called LOVE. And you know why LOVE cures fear? Cause it’s the only choice one can REALLY make. As it may seem. As in Truth, there’s no choice as fear is part of the illusions THUS, you’ll never discover it as long as you think you live in reality and that reality is scary.



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