2012 Mass Arrests Scenario - David Wilcock & Drake/ Ben Fulford/ Galactic Federation

glr_Andrea's picture



Considering the idea of entering a new Golden Age, a few things seem more likely than others in terms of what could believably occur. For starters, it doesn't make any sense at all to kick off a new Golden Age with any sort of escalated violence. 

We need some sort of changing of the guard that is a display of what we have learned from past mistakes, not a repetition of those mistakes creating a grand 'What the fuck where you thinking?' scenario.

Yes, the key to entering a Golden Age is showing what you have learned, not displaying in grand fashion what you have yet to figure out.

Peace! The ride will hopefully get a lot more fun as thing progresses, just remember NOT to hold on.


AnaShyNa's picture


Indeed, did you get tired of this exhorting and elaborate lies running on your MSmedia?... Did you ask your self to stop watching and to stop bringing drama in your daily life?... And if you did not have enough during a day, you bring drama in your bed?...


Can you simply imagine there is  a way, very simple way to transfer your obsession with daily fears and dramas of survival, of money, of relations, of possession, of control?...


I can... definitely I CAN... and I AM this in every moment of Now...



Simply imagine that story about massive arrests of once prominent and controlling clique is happening...


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~1~12 Welcome to the Restart~ Its Been Pushed

Lia's picture

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~1~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Welcome to the Restart~ Its Been Pushed






Greetings Love Beings, We are Back and successfully made it through the 3 day transition we spoke of in our last update. We were unaware that it would actually be 3 days until we could be back on line with you. Due to certain events this is how it all unfolded. However, this gave us the Moments for the restart to Really Begin in Ernst.



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-01-2012 – ‪The creator´s Patient ~

glr_Andrea's picture


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-01-2012 – The creator´s Patient ~




by ANdReA


Do you have an idea of what Real patience is? I’m not joking, I’m really serious. Years ago I worked with looms, not the mechanical ones, hand looms 2ft long... this meant about 3'500 cotton threads... these threads had to be put on it... one by one... and if in the end I found out there had been a mistake... I had to take everything down and restart. True. Sometimes it took days just to get started... and I thought I had leaned to be patient... I thought! Cause no, patient is not this. This is a joke.

Let me tell you what Real patient is.

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation I AM Avatar Yoga ~

glr_Andrea's picture


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation

I AM Avatar Yoga ~ April, 2012





Our Collective Initiation into Multidimensionality



The Amazon Transmissions

Unity Consciousness and the Christ Harmonic

Opening the Portals of Light

Body Elemental Recalibration

Living Outside the Mind

~DailyOM ~ Vision Comes from Within

Lia's picture


   Vision comes from within and shows us how to navigate the realms of thought, feeling, and emotion.


Sight is the ability to see the physical world while vision is the gift of seeing beyond it. Sight enables us to
take the physical world in so we can participate in it with knowledge. It brings us pleasure through our eyes,
which perceive the colors and shapes of all the myriad expressions of nature and human beings. It helps us
feel in control, allowing us to see what is coming toward us, which way we are going, and exactly where we
are standing at a given moment. We are able to read signs and books, navigate the interiors of buildings with
ease, sense and perceive how a person is feeling by the expressions that cross her face.


Paradise or Oblivion

AnaShyNa's picture

Paradise or Oblivion

*This is NOT the "major motion picture" that The Venus Project is working towards but rather is a 48 min. documentary to introduce the aims and proposals to new people.

A free online documentary created by The Venus Project. Original music by Carly Paradis (http://www.carlyparadis.com/) from her album "They Have Been Watching".

This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy.

~A New Dawn, A New Day~

Lia's picture

You are standing at the precipice of a new beginning, a new earth. It is monumental and your action in the scheme of this epic event is to stay within your centers and know you are going in the right direction. Your path will be intermingled with surprise and events that will awaken your inner consciousness to what is occurring around this wonderful Terra. Now is the opening of awareness for those who came to divide their attention between the earthly physical and the spiritual realms. They are merging into a glorious one of which you are a part. It is the beginning of a cycle that will open the hearts of all remaining on this timeline of experience. You are all intertwined and your hearts are bursting with the love of God.


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