3.5.12 Power is Already Yours. Claim It NOW, Beloveds!

3/5/12 Love/Light Message from the celestial team
Ah, Beloveds! We greet you once more with frequencies of fervent, earnest desire to reach your hearts–
We are most excited to be greeting you through this transmission, as we always, always, are! Many of you have felt our trembling, “fizzy,” excitement before as you allowed our frequencies entry into your hearts. In your language, a description of our great excitement might be that after we join with Judith our earthly aspect for the transmission and translation process, we hold our breath in hopeful anticipation as she presses the “send” button on her computer! Then, we hover and watch for days afterward, pulsing out our love to you, joining you as you allow us to, assisting you in receiving the activating frequencies we offer to each one of you, individually.