Archangel Metatron – MAX The 13th Crystal Skull – The Complete Paradigm

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Archangel Metatron – MAX The 13th Crystal Skull – The Complete Paradigm –


26 February 2012



by Galactic Love Reporter James Tyberonn  

Posted by lucas2012infos


Greetings Dear Beloved ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet you in Unconditional Love ! And so we speak this moment on the 13th Paradigm, the living crystalline library. The Crystal Skull ! How to work with these energies is innate within you, for most of you are aware on deeper levels of the energy within.

Montague Keen ~ 26 February 2012 Bankers are now running in all directions~ And Humanity Prepares for a New Way of Living~

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Montague Keen ~ 26 February 2012 Bankers are now running in all directions~ And Humanity Prepares for a New Way of Living~


This has been a stressful week for you, trying to deal with ordinary family matters as well as working with Spirit. Juggling the two roles is not easy. We told you to expect the unexpected but even you did not expect the secrets of the Vatican to be revealed by those who know the truth. Nothing can be hidden anymore, those days are over. The masks will fall and you will see things and people as they really are, not as they appeared to be. Those who have almost destroyed your planet will not be able to hold their shape as the energy changes. Life will become extremely difficult for them.


Bankers are running in all directions, trying to establish safe havens for themselves. Like rats, they are leaving the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how your governments will handle the lies regarding the wars they still hope to start.



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    “Greetings, In the Light of Our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, in charge of the Ashtar Command, wanting to comment on a false statement that we have heard used many times by those who tend to be what might be termed ‘cynical’ and even consider themselves as ‘rational thinkers” upon planet Earth in recent decades–many who have been in what would be termed the ‘UFO community.’ “If You Think that the Benevolent Space Brothers Are Gonna’ Come down and Save You , then you are totally Deluded or Mistaken and Not Facing Reality…..”


~The FUTURE of BANKING~ ~ The fulfilment of St Germain's plan ~

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~ The fulfilment of St Germain's plan ~



A Light in the Darkness ~ subject to minor changes ~first written in November 2007~


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ This was found in our files without a link~ However, this is a very Brilliant explanation, and there has been some minor changes, as well as the Replicator devices will replace needs for monies of any kind~ All our Love, Mother and Father God

The world of banking is about to be turned upside down.


A new monetary system will finally provide true "value for money".


The announcement of NESARA and the implementation of its various aspects worldwide ushers in a welcome, enlightened new era for mankind. The "Golden Age" is upon us.

~The Arcturian Group~ All is proceeding according to plan

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Greetings again dear ones of the earth in these times of so much upheaval and change.

All is proceeding according to plan; light is pouring into your dear planet and many are now beginning to feel this and accept change into their consciousness although they are not yet aware of what they are experiencing.


~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

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~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

By Galactic Love Reporter Jean Warner
You are nearing the end of the world of darkness, and those of the dark are throwing everything they have at the Light in order to keep their power and control over mankind. This has happened many times before. Every 26,000 years the cycle repeats itself as a new era approaches. You are on the fringe of the Age of Aquarius, where the planetary alignment is fast moving into position to give the Earth and her population the maximum support to enter a new frequency in their evolvement.

This is a time for choice and preparation. Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice. Those who have chosen to move into a new world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional attunement, and spiritual uplifting. Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.

~Perform from A Place of Knowing~

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Perform from A Place of Knowing

~Photo by Dawn Christine~



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | The Quantum Awakening

You are in a place and time when you are just now remembering that you have the ability to expand and create your world however you chose. The chaos, the destruction, the disease, the disasters on earth can be changed in a blink, if enough believe this to be a truth.

Perform from a place of knowing. As one that walks the tight wire, do you want to get up on that tight wire with a knowing, or with a maybe? These are your everyday life choices. The wire is your next thought, your next word, your next decree. Create purposefully with a knowing not just a thinking or a maybe!


Know without a shadow of a doubt, that your consciousness is birthed from the cosmic crock-pot, and what has been ladled to vast civilizations is also divinely ladled to you. True knowledge is inherent within all. Light masters and Ascended masters are a part of your divine blueprint. With this understanding and knowing, draw your life, become all possibilities.



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