~NOW is a Portal~

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Message 68

~NOW is a Portal~


Being in the NOW is a skillful dance and important to learn.

Imagine the skill needed to walk a tightrope; each step is in the now. If the walker allows themselves to think about the steps beyond the current one, they lose their focus and they lose their balance. It is by staying in the NOW, all energy focused on the current step,
the task in the moment, that they complete the walk successfully.
It is in the present moment that you receive inspiration and guidance. The artist who paints so focused on their work that they lose track of time is creating in each new NOW. They are in a flow of creating. It is the same with the dance of life, the dance of activities, you are always creating.

8~13~11~~Answer the Call!~

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~Message from the "team"~


~Answer the Call!~




We are here; it is our honor to connect with you in this manner. It is of great importance that you allow yourself to be acknowledged for the true courage, strength and wisdom that you carry and express during these most challenging of times.

You are witnessing the incredible transformation of reality; all that you know and have known is changing at a very rapid speed. You are observing the extremes in political, economic, and social environments as well as weather situations around the world. There are conflicts flaring up across the globe


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(posted 12 August, 2011) 

The Perseids Meteor Shower reaches its peak on August 13th. It's a time to 'Get Real'.

This full moon is extraordinary to many signs. And all the energy waves cascading into the Earth amplify the forces. The solar winds, the meteor shower, the Mercury Retrograde and interesting planetary angles make for a potentially volatile combination. Just look at the crashing of the stock markets, government deadlocks, riots in Britain and continuing issues in the Middle East. Its a time of release.


Lia's picture


  (posted 12 August, 2011)




Life is what we make it, and the world is what we make it. The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation; but very different are the aspects which it bears to them. Albert Pike

Just think how happy you would be if you lost everything you have right now, and then got it back again. Frances Rodman

Remember that too many people who faithfully follow the prescription to work hard, sacrifice, achieve, accomplish, create and get ahead either “crack up” in the process or find an emotional vacuum at the end of it all. Arnold Lazarus

Some people are sympathetic; others are just pathetic. Peter Wastholm

Doubt is the vestibule through which all must pass before they can enter into the temple of wisdom. Charles Caleb Colton

We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays. Persius

Even when I’m sick and depressed, I love life. Arthur Rubenstein



8~12~11~~LOVE REPORTER Stefanie Miller~ ~ WITH Notes to Myself~ AUGUST ENERGY BIRTHING~

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We are deep within the rebirthing process. Many of us have gone through hardships and experienced many losses and changes in our lives. What we are relinquishing are parts of ourselves that are no longer congruent with our divine plan. We've come far enough through this process to discover whom we really are and are creating the vision of how we would like to shape our lives. The rebirthing process is about letting go of the old way of doing things, changing our perceptions, releasing old patterns, and in some cases on a physical level, walking away from unhealthy relationships, jobs that don't match our life purpose, and relocating to a new area that resonates within us.



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I am Archangel Michael and I come to you with messages from the angelic realms at this time. Many of you are struggling and trying to run to stand still and we guide you all to be aware of this and to step back from the struggle. Many are now finding it difficult to see a way forward and this has resulted in a lot of fear and anxiety sweeping across the world, we are here to assure you dearest ones that there is no need for the fear, for all is perfect.


8~12~11~~Message From The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa~

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~Message From The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa, 8~12~11~




Dear Souls, there has been a Divine plan underway to wipe away the last remaining vestiges of illusion and darkness that seem still to be so prevelant on your world. The result has been much clearing, on a planetary and personal level. Outwardly this clearing has manifested as riots and protests, as the people are truly fed up with the way they have been treated by their governments. This kind of turmoil is something we anticipated, and it is necessary to assist in this cleansing process. This process is not just manifesting globally, personally you have all been feeling a number of strange things pertaining to said cleansing. Just like your planet, your bodies have been getting rid of the last remaining bits of darkness that you have sheltered and nourished for a millenia. Many have been experiencing sickness as a result of this, as well as a whole host of other symptoms. We wish you to know that your perceived suffering is for a higher purpose, and you are to come out of this as shining
Divine beings, and you will be so much stronger having had this overall experience.


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