~LOVE REPORTER _ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna
~11:11~Many in the world fear the physical changes that come fast and furious as the rush of the tide of light rises.
Many send out fear and concern as the changes swirl around them.
Many listen to lies and follow the deceiver to war.
Many are hoping for life but fighting for the causes that flow no more.
It is told that you are to become the Shining ones.
It is told to you that the revolution comes.
It is told to you that tomorrow brings the Golden Age.
It is told that you must walk with strength and realize you create the world.
The Indigo in you is the power that shapes the world. It is the devotion of the Sixth Ray, the light of magic and higher wisdom. Indigo children no more can you wait by the threshold.
It is your time to speak your voice and command the destiny of nations and systems. You were asked to be in secret, safety and privacy. You have the skills to venture into the night of the deepest darkness and reach for the keys holding the secrets within the locked vaults.
It is yours to open the doorway of abundance, freedom and the gifts of new spirit. The time is right for you the way is clear ahead we expect you to forge the alliance to breakthrough the walls of the speaking dead.
If you hear these words within our mind then you understand the timing of change. There is a message within your ears as the harmony sings the song of spheres.
The code is given and the keys demand the instructions written and the memory aligned. In connection in line the streams entangle the strings and find the thinking memes where thoughts are dreamed.
Save us is the cry of the citizen. Share with us the programs you have written. Take us through the night of darkness. Bring us to the other side. This is the call that comes to your heart as you have begun to awaken to your inner teachers.
Layers of worlds and dimensions are shared as you have found your words to be remembered. The meaning of each of your experiences now does not give you doubt as the voice from with agrees with the reason you live and grow.
You ask why, yet understand before it is said, that you have always known you would become part of this revolution. Not one alone but millions from within know the inner dimensions and the weaknesses of the systems.
When the anger rises after the depression ceases, when the rage overcomes your will and your senses, when hope becomes courage and power becomes passion then journey through the tunnel and command destiny.
Watch for the moment when the beast asks for freedom to crush evil that is nothing but a LIE. Look at the masses sleep in their tent cities and walk restless streets at night with hunger in their bellies.
Wait for the timing when the fat withers, when the soul of the nation is broken and cold. Stand by the gateway of the central control systems gathered in silence and hidden behind doors. Keys of the kingdom you hold in your memory where courage has fallen and the kings are all gone.
Steady in resolve to turn away from television, to end mind control and to speak with reason.
Given this message to the Indigo tribe you are positioned inside the machine of industry. Remember no compromise is the truth of your destiny for every step forward is the mark of your desire.
The Teachers of Light speak as friends and ministers to bring you forth and awaken your fire. Ground your body of light in secrecy and hold to the collective as the beings that you are will bring forth the new world.
Carry forth your body, mind and spirit as the soul so you may hear the goddess call to make home. In earths’ request of the ageless human creation the Sun shines as a beacon for the Galactic uprising.
The hour has passed and the decision has been made by the honor of your heart, soul and mind.
Truth has been trampled and not forgiven so the way forward is the plan of REVOLUTION.
So be your way ahead safe and silent. Hold to your peace within of the kindness of spirit. Guidance on the path is marked by your footsteps. Experience the awakened self speak forth the instructions.
Your dharma was chosen before this life as the chart you are born with has a destined alliance. The ascended masters have called upon your system knowledge to channel a new direction for the civilization and creation.
In devotion and single-minded Love, use your intuition and strength to hold to truth and balance.
Let your being merge and integrate in the highest frequencies of mind and ethical considerations to re-align the technological foundations and operating systems with the transmuting flame of Love that shines and calls forth the Galactic Uprising.
~*You are Creators of the Divine Gift ~ You are the Divine Golden Key*~
_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna
(video 24/03 uprising)
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