Life is made of choices. I can choice to focus on a door that has closed before me or I can focus on the areas of my life that do work. I can be grateful for what I have instead of missing something I don’t have. Life is about where you place your focus. Your happiness in this current moment depends on where you place your attention.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the people around us. And sometimes there will be situations that seem beyond our control, and perhaps are beyond our control. It is in these moments that we realize that we never really had control over anything. That all we ever had control over was our attitude, our point of view and our choices of thoughts.
When we realize that we have no control, then a door finally opens when life had closed its doors; A door for which you always had the key, the only key that could ever really open your life…your heart…your mind. The key is the choice to view your life through whatever lenses you choose. You have freewill to think what you are thinking or to change your thoughts, for as you change your thinking, as your perception changes so does your life. There are always two primary choices: do I approach my life circumstances through fear/anger/pain/despair? Or do I approach my life circumstances with gratitude/hope/faith/understanding?
Life may not change immediately and perhaps it may be slow to change. But what other choice do you have? Do you continue to cry over spilled milk? Do you continue to analyze the never-ending why questions? Do you continue to drag on your guilt, pain, regret? Or do you finally let go? Do you finally just realize I want to be happy and I won’t ever be happy if I continue to think and feel this way? When you finally realize that you truly want to be happy and deserve to be happy, then you are no longer willing to respond to your continued negative thinking. You choose to stop. Regroup. Rethink. You choose to be happy regardless of the conditions around you. You choose to find happiness in any way that you can.
And when you finally realize happiness was always just a thought away. You give up asking people to change. You give up on circumstances you have no power or control over. And you completely surrender to the power that truly mattered. The power you have right now….right this very moment to change your thoughts and thus transform your point of view…so that your thoughts may change, so your words may change, so your actions may change. Thus, you begin to transform your life, thought by thought by thought.
You’ve always had the key…now you found it. Choose to be happy now.
Many Blessings!
Ana Maria
©2011-2012 Ana Maria Pineda. All rights reserved.
For more information about what I do and how you can get a private reading and/or healing, please visit my website at http://www.anamariapineda.com