FREEDOM PROJECT: Northern League: Belsito returns the treasure [SOME DIAMONDS, CARS, ABOUT 10 GOLD BARS AND A CAR...]

AnaShyNa's picture


GFP: Do you need any additional comments here?... So, you just returned your little stolen treasure from People, some gold bars, couple of diamonds and some cars, and all if hunky dory?... right?... Yeah, right... 
Keep reading these almost cartoon characters how ignorant they can be... even in the face of the truth from the people... 

Do you think they have to be charged for theft, deception, crime against Italian peoples welfare, and crime against Humanity as a whole?... 

This is the funniest of new news in this new era of news reporting... We will make a weekly draw, who can provide most funny news article, and as reward the 'winner' will get full 8 months of GFP Galactic Digital Magazine for free...

Lets the celebration begin... Predrag/Saint Germain


Northern League: Belsito returns the treasure
The former treasurer Bossi return close to diamonds, gold bars and car

Umberto Bossi with Francesco Belsito (right, photo Keystone)

GENOA - Under investigation by prosecutors in Milan for fraud and embezzlement,the former treasurer of the Northern League Belsito Francis returned to the Party tenbars of gold, 11 diamonds and also the Audi A6 at the time used for a certain period,also by Renzo Bossi, Umberto's son. We are still looking for 200 thousand euros in diamonds.

During the day the news had spread, later revealed as false, he had returned all the loot in the hands of the inspectors of the Guardia di Finanza, actually were therepresentatives of the Northern League to have it returned.




Lega Nord: Belsito restituisce il tesoro

L'ex tesoriere vicino ai Bossi riconsegna diamanti, lingotti d'oro e automobile

GENOVA - Indagato dai pm di Milano per truffa e appropriazione indebita, l'ex tesoriere della LegaNord Francesco Belsito ha restituito al partito dieci lingotti d'oro , 11 diamanti e pure l'Audi A6 a suo tempo usata, per un certo periodo, anche da Renzo Bossi, figlio di Umberto. Si cercano ancora 200mila euro in diamanti.

In giornata si era diffusa la notizia, poi rivelatasi falsa, che avesse riconsegnato tutto il malloppo nelle mani degli ispettori della Guardia di Finanza, in realtà sono stati i rappresentanti della Lega Nord a vederselo riconsegnato.

