Watching the Ripples Fade...

SophiaLove's picture

Sometimes a boulder drops into the pond.  Other times we toss in a pebble.  Ripples Happen.  What happens to them?  We all know what they look like and have seen them move, whether quickly or gradually.  They get bigger and bigger, yes.  The ripples define the edge.


Oneness has no edges.  This is where we are headed.  When on a journey, it is good to know where you are going.


Today, we are swimming in this pond called humanity, safely within our ripples.  We call them by many names; 99%, 1%, Muslim, Catholic, Spiritual, Atheist, Jewish, American, African, Indian, Black, Polish, German, Male, White, Female, Senior, Child, Beautiful, Successful, Homeless, Dirty, Clean, Gay, Straight, Honest, Criminal.  In a polarized world, this is how we define ourselves, how we come to know who we are.


We are and have been all of that, yet it does not define us.  We are one.  Until we see ourselves as one, “Unity” is just a nice idea.  In this time of great change, we are declaring our definition.  Our hearts are beating the declaration and they are doing so right now.


Your heart is limitless.  You hold the capacity for unbridled joy.  It is found when you loosen the reigns.  Let go of ideas of right/wrong, evil/holy, and good/bad.  Just be.  Allow me to be, as well.


There is a beautiful phrase out there – “The Art of Allowing”.  It implies skill is necessary for it to be pulled off.  It takes practice.


I can love my brothers and sisters in a general sense, yet hate the man who raped me.  You would not fault me for this.  If you were part of my life when this happened, and witnessed my pain, you may join me in wanting to see him hurt – revenge.  This is the way we think and in our current world, expected and justified.


This Shift asks us to change all that.  The question we are being asked is indeed being answered.  It is being answered within.  Do you love without condition?  Are you able to view an act of atrocity, even then work to see it corrected and the perpetrator rehabilitated, without hatred?  Is your love big enough?  It is.


You are a limitless, powerful being of pure energy – a drop of love in this pond of life.  As such you do not create ripples – rocks do that.  Rocks are hard and their shape cannot be altered without a jackhammer or a chisel.  Rocks cause ripples and currently we believe we have nothing but edges.


We have begun to talk of oneness and to see ourselves as sacred parts of life – equality.  In order to truly embody Unity we will have to love the one we have imagined has very definite edges.  We have to love ourselves – without edges, conditions or exception.


Our heart has no limit.  We are unique expressions of the One.  All components are necessary for the full import of what we are to be understood.  How can I love me completely if I will not look at myself without fear?


You are so much more than you know.  While resting in this sea of ripples you’ve begun to see beyond where you imagine the edges to be – you’ve noticed that if you look far enough, they disappear.  There are no edges.  Love has no limits.


You are a single, exquisite particle of life – vital to its expression, complexity and brilliance.  There is nothing wrong.  You are perfectly positioned and right on time.  You haven’t been dropped in our tossed in, you exist as part of the whole, here with the rest of us, lighting our way.


You are the one we are waiting for.
