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were taught at a young age, that we must compete , we must fit in, we must earn our rights as humans in order to attain the best life in town. pay your dues, dont break the laws that are set before you, obey every command and do not be the love you are, be that which we project unto you, and in that we gaurentee you that you will be happy content and full of hope for a brighter future. < all of that is a load of bullshit. all of that goes against what lies within the heart of every being on this planet.
were taught to unconsciously identify with that which we have been taught to identify with, the egomind. taught to pursue our happiness, do what it takes to manifest what you perceive to be your happiness, without ever having been taught ethics in preschool, morals. taught to obey the specific religious doctrines handed over from the nation that youre born in. infact were surrounded by truth and lies constantly. we have to pay to live on the planet were born on. pay for ALL that we desire to experience. and if were one of those who are considered to be of under the poverty level or the lower class, or middle or "elite" , then we have all those challenges to meet, no matter what the experience is, no matter how many material posessions we have or have not, we all still suffer equally. its from being with our suffering, that we learn how to truly live and love.