hilarionra's picture

this is very hard to type about, seeing as how i dont have 50 years of cosnciously enlightened exprience integrated into
my awareness. i have my contract with creation to thank for that, along with many other splendors, one of which is
the gift of being that which can never be taken away from me, myself.

for a very long time, we have been dealing with living on a planet where the inhabitants live out their cellular
conditioning, by contract. some understand reality , some do not. this again, by contract. the challenge there in
is dealing with the experience of being that which was not tolerated by the conditioned thing, the egomind.
this also includes those who by contract remain unaware of this, and act it out. there is strength in knowing
what ones contract is, when it comes to dealing with others who do not know that they even have one, and what
that experience entails for not only them, but you. so there is strength in knowing ignorance as it is, both within you,
and in others, along with the varying perceptions contained within and projected outwards. the variations of awareness
on this planet are just like the alphabet. our bodies are precisely tuned truth detectors. anyone who disagrees with you
is expressing their unconsciousness. one example of how good the body is as talking to us, is when you get those "puke"
feelings. and another way of noticing the egomind within you, is when you feel those feelings of nooooooo ,towards
puking. this is the resistance of the egomind towards the inevitable that YOU know is going to happen.

another challenge that may arise, is the inner struggle that has arisen within you, whilst you are on your path
of self realization. this is you dealing with you resurrecting and having to move through all the resistance of the
conditioned thing, the egomind. another challenge is all the talk about "the illusion of reality." what also arises from
that talk, is tied to the inner struggle of freeing the self from the shackles that you perceived were placed upon you.
those shackles include the illusion, all freedom (ethically speaking). the freedom is your desires to live a life out
, you yourself are longing to live. one issue that may be there for some, is how to go about living ethically.

i will say that your desire to live an ethical life, will instinctively guide you to live such a life, but you also
have to listen ,feel, pay attention to, all that YOU go through, not what others are going through. thats what we
have intuition for. its also why we have sight too. to see, and the sight im talking about is out of the box
for those who are contracted to identify with their egomind and not with their hearts. this sight does include color
;), inner visions too. although you may not like them, be with them as they are, same with your thoughts and all your
feelings. you will noticing the resistance of the egomind gradually caving in on itself, to reveal more of that which is
your hearts desire, but again, by contract. its not what youre used to, infact its totally new and refreshing constantly.
so dropping your expectations of what is, is highly advised. your expectations stem from not only the emotional bodies attachment to the experience but also from you identifying with the thoughts+emotions+ your egomind uses to portray before you as reality.