you know these new laws that state if you protest you will be arrested and such? or something like that?
well , ive come to the complete understanding that they are necessary to keep the angry, in between, and peaceful
demonstrators at bay. i look at it like have beings on this planet who actually enjoy going to work.
being able to walk the streets and take in the scenery. having to walk through a crowd of beings who are ranting
and raving, on megaphones, assemlbing in large areas period and protesting what theyre sick and tired of seeing.
viva la revolution eh? what about viva la evolution? studying all that is taking place, within and around you.
being willing to take it all in and learn from it, constant, gradual, shift in perception. one that includes
that complete integration of truth as it stands in the here now. thats ultimately the true offering to those
who are, by contract, here to exprience self realization.
i for one dont want to have to be detoured during a drive, just because theres some egos on the streests
focused on simply the monetary system , and it having been built to perpetuate debt.
how about taking that awareness , and looking at it some more? like ethics for one. starting for yourself
from the ground up. ethics about you and how to go about ultimately living a life that will not only
benefit you, but benefit everyone else simultaneously. applying that learning knowledge to how you spend money.
how you go about your experience when you arent spending money, but simply being present in the love you are.
taking it all in , gaining insight towards how to live ethically, treating yourself as a child, because thats
what you are afterall. its just the unaware in society that see you as an adult, and its also the aware
who are covering their asses around snooping beings who are seeking to shut you down any chance they get.
you know, the trained civilian taskforce that was introduced during hitlers reign, and was gradually
introduced in this generation. infact even obama stated on tv that "we will have the greatest civilian
taskforce the world has ever seen." and the crowd loved it.
now weve got the law that states it is unlawful to protest even peacefully in large groups in specific areas.
if you are contracted to experience the love you are, i have the solution to that situation.
keep being present within your experience, in this you will be expressing how you feel about your experience
overall, constantly. you will naturally connect with others who are also connected into love. in this
you will learn how to overcome all challenges. not only through being connected with other awakened beings,
but also by being present within the love that YOU are, in this you wont follow, but you will experience
the journey WITH all other awakened beings, and will assist not only yourself, but them as well, in assisting
those who are also set to awaken, both whom are unaware of this, and aware of this. the energy circulates
around the planet, touching all, and gracefully,gradually,consistently , uplifting you and everyone else as well.
you can get how you feel across by speaking a lot, or very little, or any variable in between. as you will
notice in your experience of being present within the love you are, no matter how little it is you actually know
about yourself, you will see that you are being nurtured to move through ALL ENERGIES that you encounter.
you can pickup on all that you experience, constantly, even in dreams, listening to music, eating food,watching tv
being on the computer, so on and so forth. youll also notice that consequence is a constant experience for all
your actions too. in that acknowledgement, you learn to work with the facts of reality. one of them being that you
have intuition, and the other being that you may have to ask questions because you simply do not know. you learn
that we are 100% interdependent of one another. just because youre enlightened doesnt mean that you wont
become deluded in your experience, and will be nurtured to ask questions. you wont take being looked at like an idiot
for not knowing what a certain word is because you know that its okay to not know what that word means.
its why we have dictionarys, synonyms, encyclopedia's. feel free to look up every word that you hear and do not
understand, or you can be really stubborn and go without looking into those at all, and learning from your experience
EXACTLY what that word means. you may not be able to put it into words, but you will have an energetic understanding
of what it means, and be able to use an example that you pickup from in the physical manifest realm, to explain
your insight of what a word that you heard actually means. it also doesnt hurt to actually take a look and see
just how on point you really are with your intuition/body's resonance. you dont HAVE to take the hard way
unless of course you never get the signal of having taken the hard way until after the fact that you just took the hard
way. neverless it will get easier as you go along, rest assured. what makes the process become easier and easier
as you go along is your integrated awareness. your knowledge or awareness of ignorance. there is strength in that
awareness, and in that strength of the truth, is what makes the experience much MUCH easier to experience.
in this you will no longer feel powered over, but empowered. no longer will you perceive yourself and others
as either victims or villians. You will see the constant oppourtunity to experience the constant newness of the unknown
with the inevitabilities from all actions, but you will see that from it you are constantly gaining strength from your
awareness of what the truth really is.
when it comes to seeing others, you will be able to take note on their progress, simply because youre aware of
your own progress. you will undoubtably be able to see whos where in consciousness. you will also see
the perfection that is eternal existence. youll also see how effortless existence really is. you ultimately
surrender yourself to the flow of creation. the flow goes from being subtle, and grows to being compeltely obvious.
creation is also able to move through you like the wind, in turn expressing how you feel constantly. the laws that are
going to continually be put into place by the current US administration, are going to look something like someone
is being the truth, but not always telling the truth. realize that the current adminstration has signed
executive orders that give government the right to shut down pretty much everything on the planet in a sequetial
order when the time comes. this doesnt meant that the satelittes wont be orbiting and monitoring all life on the planet.
quite the contrare. this isnt being said to incite fear. but more or less a heads up? if you will, a look out?
a warning, a message, but not one of hope.
take a look at the movie blue gold for example , there are beings on this planet who have literally boughten
natural water resources. take a look at the fact that anyone who isnt in special ops, black ops, or the marines,
airforce,navy,cia,fbi,secret service, OR a working "figurehead" in a corporation, HAS insider information.
that also goes for anyone whos retired, a freemason, or even a former employee of the US government, which again
includes high ranking officials, or ex high ranking officials, again HAS insider information. they know whats going on.
im not saying theyre the bad guys either. im just pointing this stuff out because it brings me joy to be aware of this
so i share it with you. Those whom ive pointed out who will not speak of the matters TRULY at hand, are simply
obeying the orders they receive. This is ultimately done because of fear. For speaking against the oath that they
take when they enter, they are in turn prosecuted, period.
Bush did say " if you arent with us, youre against us." there is truth in that. But its not a truth to be afraid of
at all. like i said before, there is strength in knowing ignorance. There is also strength in knowing what
the energy of problem reaction solution looks like, and how its been masterfully pulled off at every level
by every freemason. Bush's father also said in 91, that they will be successfull in establishing a new world order.
There are attached connotations within beings on this planet today, in regards to the words " new world order."
Ultimately where we are headed, there is going to be a new world order to be established, but this again
is not one to be feared at all. Its not one of total domination in the sense of slavery of the masses simply to
entertain and occupy the few. That's what theyd like you to think, so that you get outraged, and start ranting and
raving out of angery and absolute disgust for whats occuring.
the new world order I speak of is one of peace on earth. Living with a government with no strings attached.
everyone knowing who everyone is , all beings living a fully conscious, enlightened and in turn, ethical life together
as a species, but not solely based on just us humans experiencing inner soul exploration and space exploration alone.
On the contrare, it also includes open communication with other species from other planets from just about all
throughout creation in physicality, those who cannot be physically located, can still be spoken with on a telepathic
basis. what the current administration is setting in place for themselves, but not only the rest of humanity
is simply that which challenges us to truly live ethically. This is what all freemasons, call the great work.
the devastations that take place on this planet, like the BP oil spill, and fukishima, are necessary.
They basically provoke beings out of their slumber.
all the old ways that were established on this planet, inevitably do not stand a chance period. it is absolutely
impossible to stop the establishment of REAL peace on earth, not the egoic version of peace on earth.
the egoic version of peace on earth is the fear induced version of the new world order. the heartfelt version
is obviously the heartfelt new world order. A utopian society. None of this star wars, star trek bullshit.
None of this Alien, or Predator stuff either. Along with none of these alien's doing experiments on human beings
scenerio either. This also includes the removal of all poisonus plants. in the meantime, dually note that
there is the potential for a mass exodus to take place on this planet. I feel that there is also a chance of us
experiencing a complete and total totalitarian society very soon, not forever though.
i say this because i look at what it is im feeling, after all that ive gone through and feel thus far.
theyve been gradually working their way through the constitution and the bill of rights. buying up ammo ,or even
banning ammunition being sold. we also have to contend with the fact that the internet is monitored.
we do have to also deal with the water supply to each home being connected ultimately to a kill switch.
same with the gasoline, the stores, the trucks shipping the food. the atm machines. book stores, you name it.
its pretty much like shooting fish in a barrel at this point. but not COMPLETELY. for we are still
dealing with the fact that those who are awake, are completely wild. We are opaque like muddy water.
we are always alert even when it doesnt appear to be so. You cannot figure us out, for we reside in both the
known and the unknowable.
all you know about us, is whats been shared on the internet, or in books. only those whom are awake, know us,
and are able to activity talk with us, and vice versa. we forgive, but we do not forget. were logically and ethically
working against the old ways, which is simultaneously working with the laws of creation. i also forget to mention
the traffic lights too. along with the media, magazines, and all other readable, used outlets that have been established.
what i see this all coming down to, is to a point where what we will have with us, is what we will have. well
be forced to sit it out. we may also be dealing with the threat of domestic terrorism via our own government.
think fema camps. now i know there are messages out there that go against this, SO BE IT. Im not looking to be like
those other guys and gals out there that put out messages that inspire hope within you. hope breeds complacency
and keeps the ego in tact through inner conflcit of not getting what you expected because youre by contract
identifying with the conditioned thing that is the ego.
i know others dont really want to go here with this kind of perception, but im absolutely willing to, and im
absolutely willing to be COMPLETELY WRONG.What i honestly dont see happening is what sheldan nidle said to be
a futuristic event in "3 days of darkness." I see this because it would ultimately kill off all vegetation on the planet.
now i know that there are certain locations on this planet, like the tundra, where the planetlife thrives on the
"extreme" weather conditions there. I also know about the frogs that hybernate in frozen waters and then defrost
and keep on living until theyre eaten up by bigger animals. but again, seeing as how all this time, the only time
we have darkness is when the sun isnt in our direction location , and when we have an eclipse, but other than that,
i do not see 3 days of darkness happening. What i see resides with what i spoke of earlier. it also co ensides with
the energies we will be encountering as we gradually move through the galactic central point in our solar system.