~Sunday, 1 May, 2011~
~Floating on the Aries Wind~
~Earth Changes in the Physical Year of 2011~
It’s pretty obvious that we are having lots of physical changes, both to the planet and to our bodies. We’ve made so many shifts; spiritually, mentally and emotionally, and now the physical is catching up. The earth is now spinning on a new axis and is in a higher frequency. In March we actually shifted into a new dimension. This shift was punctuated by the earth changes including the earthquakes, pole shift and climate changes.
New Dimension
The different dimensions are simply different levels of consciousness. We humans have labeled them with numbers in an effort to understand them, but those numbers are overly simplistic and not accurate. For instance, we say that we are living in a three-dimensional world, however it’s really four dimensions, since nothing can exist in three dimensions without time (the fourth dimension). A physical object must manifest for a duration of time in order for us to perceive it.
Each person has their own level of consciousness, therefore their own dimension. That’s why it is possible to live in physical proximity to others and at the same time be only in your own energy. This is why the Extra Terrestrials are for the most part invisible to us. They are at a frequency that is invisible to most humans. They do sometimes lower their frequencies (change dimensions) in order to be visible.
I had an interesting experience of being invisible myself. A friend and I went to a have dinner after a weekend seminar. We were pretty early and there were only a few table seated; however the waiter totally ignored us. He walked right past our table, literally a foot away from us, over and over. Then I realized that he couldn’t see us! The next time he walked by I waved my hand and deliberately made myself visible. He jumped like a rabbit exclaiming, “Oh, I didn’t see you!”
Note: When driving, I always set the intention that I (or at least my car) is visible.
Turning up the Heat
The New Dimension is a higher frequency. This is experienced in many ways. Time is speeding up, our empathic abilities are increasing and we have more awareness of higher dimensions. Our bodies are going through an alchemical transmutation from being carbon based to being silicon (crystal) based. This rise in frequency is translated into heat and inflammation. For most of us our normal body temperature has been lower than the medical normal of 98.6°F/37°C, but now that temperature is higher. Inflammation causes many symptoms including aches and pains, digestive problems and so much more.
The Aries Wind
In the beginning of February, Jupiter moved into the sign of Aries, opening the door for a lot of his friends to join him for the action packed Aries Party. As I write this (on May 1) there are currently six celestial bodies dancing it up in Aries; Jupiter, Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Uranus. Aries is masculine, playful, physical, active and hot (ruled by the Red Planet, Mars). In the patriarchy Mars has been interpreted as war related, but it’s more about aggressive play and action. Think of a couple or rams butting their heads together. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is also about new beginnings and focusing on the self.
When we are under stress or in pain we tend to get still, to stop moving and breathe shallowly. But we need to do the opposite. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But this doesn’t mean that you have to force yourself to exercise in the old way. The movement is subtle; it’s about moving energy through your body. The amount and intensity of the energy downloads that are coming to the planet are increasing constantly. So many of us have been “energy holders” for a long time, but now it’s too much to hold. We must be “energy movers”.
The Central Chakra
One of the shifts happening now is the Solar Plexus (third) Chakra and the Heart (fourth) Chakra are combining to make one Central Chakra. I’ve noticed this phenomenon in myself and many others. Too me this represents the upgrade (new cycle starting in Aries) to love and power. Love is transmuting from conditional, with all the energy-stealing programs, to unconditional, with each of us being sovereign. Power is shifting from “power over” to personal authority, when you trust your own knowing and can not be manipulated by others. This is a profound and much need shift in consciousness, taking us into an new dimension!
The ImagiCreation Breath
Imagine and feel the breath coming into your Central Chakra from all directions and all dimensions. Simultaneously the breath is expanding out in all directions and all dimensions. You can imagine the air contracting in from outside into your lungs. At the same time the oxygen is being pumped (expanded) out in your blood. Then the carbon dioxide is being contracted in from your body to the lungs and simultaneously expanded out into the air.
Imagine and feel the breath and your body as being made of waves of light. With each breath expand your wave farther and farther out, going bigger than the planet, bigger than the solar system, bigger than the galaxy to include the whole universe. At the same time you have access to all the energy and information in the whole universe. This is way too much to hold, but you can continually move it.
I have found that if I am feeling stressed or in pain that doing the ImagiCreation Breath immediately makes me feel better.
How Does Your Body Like to Move?
Start with the ImagiCreation Breath.
Using your imagination and your feeling sense, create a morphic field* in front of you. This field contains all the energy and information of how your body wishes to move now. Don’t try to figure this out with your mind. Ask your body and your Greater Self to create this field, breathe and allow…
When it feels complete, step into the field and open yourself to feel the energies there. Relax your knees, hips and shoulders and follow the impulses that you feel. Breathe and wait. At first you might feel very little and could think that you are making it up. That’s the mind interfering. Imagine taking your mind out of your head and place it somewhere for temporary storage.
This energy feels like a little push. People often notice a movement in their hips first. It could be a sway or a circle. Follow the energy, stay with the movement as long as it feels good. The movement can be very small. This is a learning process, with practice you will feel the energy more strongly.
Stay in tune with your body. It will let you know when it wants to change the movement and when it is finished. Take another body inventory. I expect that you are feeling better, more relaxed, less pain.
It isn’t necessary to do the movement for a specific length of time. I suggest that you take a few minutes several times during the day and have some movement, especially if you are sitting in front of a desk all day. And you can do this while sitting at your desk. The most important part to move is your spinal column. Your body uses movement to release stuck energy. Some days your body will like to do a soft fluid motion. At other times you could end up looking like an aborigine doing a war dance!
When you are following the energy the movement is easy, there is no need for will power or force. You could find yourself, like I have, with the heart pumping (no need to count BPM) and your body all hot and sweaty, without feeling like you tried to exercise. When you are following your body’s desired movement it feels good and easy. This type of work out is a much more efficient way to stay in shape because you are working with your body, instead of creating more stress and possibly pain by forcing it to work out.
When you choose to go for a walk or run or go to the gym, check with your body before and during the work out. Not only will it feel easier to do the movement, but you will “get more bang for your buck” too. Your body wants to come to balance and be healthy and it knows how to do this! All that is required is that you are willing to listen to your body.
The Magic of Water
One of the simplest ways to cool down the heat and inflammation in our bodies is by using water, specifically feminine water.
Water has two basic aspects, masculine and feminine.
Masculine water is active, warm, sunny, bubbly and airy and acidic. Imagine a river rapid with the water bouncing on and around the rocks. The sun is shining brightly on the water. It is noisy and exciting.
Feminine water is still, cool, dark, dense and alkaline. Imagine an underground river, running slowly, smoothly and quietly through mineral rich granite and sandstone. This water is saturated with minerals and buoyant.
To sooth and cool the excessive Aries heat and tension, imagine yourself floating in a gently pool beside this underground river. The water is absolutely pristine. You are in a large cavern that is subtly lit by phosphorescent algae. As you float in the pool, set the intention that your body receives whatever minerals that it needs to support its current process of transformation. You can also ask that anything that it does not need be removed and will flow away down the river.
You can also program your drinking, cooking and bathing water with this feminine water energy, and program it into a quartz crystal and place the crystal in the water. Using your imagination, go to the underground pool and really feel the delicious, supporting energies of the water. Build up that feeling in your Central Chakra and then flow it into the water.
A small amount of water will transmute a lot of water. You can pour some programmed water down the pipes to help purify the sewers or pour it into a river, bay or ocean, setting the intention that it transmutes the whole water system.
Expanding your Skull
The last technique that I have found helpful is expanding the skull. I don’t know if our brains are physically getting bigger, or if there is just so much more of the brain that is being used, but it can feel mighty tight in there sometimes! To relieve the pressure, expand the skull.
Start with the ImagiCreation Breath
Imagine and feel that your brain and skull are made of waves of light.
With a big exhale, imagine and feel the waves of light in your skull expand out.
Repeat until your head feels more comfortable. You might want to roll your head around gently to loosen the bones at the top of your spine.
When Is This Going to Stop?!
The physical transformations will continue throughout this year. Mars is moving out of Aries into feminine, calm Taurus on May 11th and that should ease the pressure a bit.
Also, nature (including our bodies) is adaptable. For a few years we’ve been having unusual weather, early spring-like weather followed by a return of winter and lots of cold weather and rain. The plants in my garden were really confused and didn’t grow well. This year, even though the odd weather was more pronounced than before, everything is flourishing! The plants have adapted to the new weather pattern.
Have you noticed that we don’t hear about whales beaching themselves so much anymore? The new generation has adapted to the altered magnetic fields. And I read that there is a huge increase in the amount of salmons up around Alaska (which was being strictly controlled due to over fishing). Like my plants, the whales and the salmon, we too will adapt.
*A morphic field is a field of energy and information that underlies the form and behavior of morphic units**. Morphic fields contain a kind of cumulative memory and tend to become increasingly habitual.
**A morphic unit is a unit of form or organization, such as an atom, molecule, crystal, cell, plant, animal, pattern of instinctive behavior, social group, element of culture, ecosystem, planet, planetary system, or galaxy.
Sarah Biermann - Teacher, Intuitive Counselor, Energy Healer, Writer and Artist www.limitless-one.com - Email: sarah@limitless-one.com