~ Love Reporter Carol Ann Ciocco~
~The 2nd Night: Reaction. Backlash. Propulsion~
To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions. – the third of three Laws of Motion compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687.
I have created a Calendar as a tool for following along with the Days and Nights of the 9th Wave of Dr. Calleman’s calendar system. It is in the traditional monthly calendar format, with room for notes.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: http://bit.ly/iwbqfZ
You can use this calendar to track your journey through the Days and Nights so that my Notes and posts on the subject might make sense in a larger picture for you.
On May 2, 2011 we entered the 2nd Night of the calendar system of Dr. Carl Calleman. The 2nd Night occurs from May 2 – May 19, 2011, with the Midpoint (the peak) on May 10-11.
In the 1st Day (March 9 – 26) the seeds of Unity Consciousness were planted. In the 1st Night (March 27 – April 13) the seeds germinated in a kind of confusion of darkness and chaos.
In the 2nd Day, which just ended (April 14 - May 1), Unity Consciousness showed itself, alongside its polar opposite - just as a plant shows two leaves when it first begins to grow. The two opposing forces lifted their heads and looked at each other, confrontation rumbling under the surface.
Now, in the 2nd Night, comes the reaction. The backlash from the older ways of thinking commences. Ian Lungold writes, “Old and new consciousness will collide in the 2nd Night and polarized factions could come to blows over their differences. These periods in human history are peaks of violence.” (Note: the only Night that has a stronger backlash than the 2nd Night is the 5th Night - which will occur from August 18 – September 4, 2011. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it.)
Simply put, the shadow side of ourselves and our lives – personally and collectively – will likely rise up to greet us. We are asked to integrate it so that we can rise to higher levels of Unity Consciousness. Where the Light seeks to enter, darkness will scurry.
Dr. Calleman writes: “The frequency increase of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar has thrown the world into the chaos from which the new world will be born.” He explains further in this article: http://bit.ly/gcfvKb
<<Newton’s third Law of Motion is one of the foundations of current space flight and jet propulsion. Here's how it work: If you push on anything, it pushes back on you. That's why if you lean against the wall, you don't just fall through it. The wall pushes back on you as hard as you push on it, and you and the wall stay in place. The bigger the push, the bigger the push back. That's why cannons and guns recoil. As the cannon ball flies on one direction, the cannon moves in the opposite direction. If we turn the cannon up on end, it gets a little closer to how a rocket works. The force that pushes the cannon ball down also pushes the cannon up. If we could make a long continuous hot explosion in the cannon, instead of one quick one, we could push the cannon a far distance. The air that is heated would push out the back, pushing the cannon in the opposite direction. This is how jets work as well as how rockets get into space. Remember, because every action has an equal and opposite reaction something will go forward if it is pushing matter behind itself. http://bit.ly/k9TJqw>>
So it seems that the contrast known as polarity which can be found here on the earth plane is what propels us forward. The bigger the push the bigger the push back. Well, this could go on forever or, more likely, it won’t last long cause the rockets will annihilate each other.
It seems like the solution is to push back from a place of Unity Consciousness, to try and use the propulsion for evolution. To nurture a loving reaction.
In the work of Abraham-Hicks (www.abraham-hicks.com) they speak of human creativity taking shape in the form of ‘rockets of desire’ - desire being positive feelings of joy and appreciation, not desire in the form of craving. This seems to be the key to using the natural law of motion in a way that doesn’t cause the rockets to point at and destroy each other.
Please note that when nuclear energy – represented by the current Uranus (Uranium) square Pluto (Plutonium) aspect - is used in the propulsion, we can go to great celestial heights OR we can nuke each other off the face of the earth.
This might be a good strategy (I’m still trying to figure all of this out): Wherever you can, push back in a state of Love, gratitude and peace. It’s not easy. Take for example the recent event of Osama Bin Laden’s death. This event happened (or at least was announced) on the last calendar day of the 2nd Day. We witnessed polarity and reaction and backlash on the cusp between the 2nd Day and the 2nd Night IN ALL ITS GLORY.
Backlash (from Bin Laden’s supporters) on a global level is a serious threat at the moment, especially since the keyword for the 2nd Night is reaction!! It really is scary and it goes without saying that we Lightworkers need to raise our consciousness to help avert escalating situations.
On the level of the quickly polarized debate concerning the nature of OBL’s death, I think the best thing to do (the thing I am trying to do) is to get to a state of peace within yourself and then try to look at the two opposites with equal love on both sides, instead of judging one side over the other, or wanting others to believe the same as you. We live with this so powerfully here in America, as the American political system couldn’t BE any more dualized. I struggle daily to somehow stay out of a polarized position!
Hmmm. You feel that burn? That is the friction between the opposites as Unity Consciousness kicks and screams, dieing to be born. THAT is where we live. This is how we evolve. Growing pains. Yikes, good thing it’s the 2nd Night - I think we all need a nap and some cookies n milk;)
The 2nd Night occurs from May 2 – May 19, 2011, with the Midpoint (the peak) occurring on May 10-11. Rest if you can. It is a Night phase after all. The sun has set on 18 days of climbing the pyramid of consciousness. You climbed for 9 days, took a tiny breather to catch your breath at the Midpoint (April 22-23, a marker I forgot to write about, it sped by me so fast!) Then you climbed for 9 more days. Now it’s time to set up camp for the night. Close your eyes, get some REM sleep (process, integrate) and get some rest.
This is a time to review the first 2 steps (the 1st and 2nd Night) and to see how the Light of Unified consciousness has flooded into your world. And also note the backlash to it. Look at it on a personal level, and look not only in your external life (people reacting to what you have said or done) but especially the reactions going on inside of you. Did the Light illuminate greater Love,and your internal backlash responded with jealousy or possessiveness? Did Unity Consciousness strive to bring you closer to those around you, but your internal reaction sent you running backward in fear?
Yes backlash is a factor in the Night (especially the 2nd and 5th Nights) but that isn’t the whole story. It really is a natural rhythm of downtime. From what we’ve experienced so far in the 9th Wave, these times are not exactly snoozy-nappy-happy times of deep repose (not even close lol) but there IS a bit of a reprieve in the constant forward motion. One step forward, two steps back can be a good thing when pacing one’s self for a longer journey.
The 2nd Night doesn’t have to be a nightmare. For some reference points, think back to the 1st Night, which occurred from March 27 – April 13 (peaking on April 4-5). There were signs there of the growing propulsion that is moving you into more expanded states of Unity Consciousness, and the ability to hold more Light.
I have created a Calendar as a tool for following along with the Days and Nights of the 9th Wave of Dr. Calleman’s calendar system. It is in the traditional monthly calendar format, with room for notes.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: http://bit.ly/iwbqfZ
You can use this calendar to track your journey through the Days and Nights so that my Notes and posts on the subject might make sense in a larger picture for you.
Have a cup of cocoa and snuggle in for a short dreamy Night
With cookies and milk,
Carol Ann Ciocco