~Why Prosperity funds? Why Now? Why Not earlier? ....~
Dear Todd,
I thought that you decided to leave our circles, as you indicated in our last correspondence.... but, I am so happy that you are still with US....
Of course, it is not all true that has been channeled or televised or aired, or better said, it is not fully accurate at the moment you read the post.... Situations change, dark's resist bit more than initially agreed, dark's lie as they get too attached in to power or money, or simply new probability came in the light, and you see that even these 'negative' changelings, or 'lies' gave you direction where to go from there.....
It is like this CNN special show about Bin Laden dead; it is not lie as he is dead, but if they played a little with dates or years, this is for us to discern....
Did you ever consider that 'cabal' is integral part of Divine Plan, their existence, their defiance, our awakening, our courage to free ourselves?....
Regarding Ascended Masters, they are here among us to awake us, even with the most amazing tricks, like prosperity funds, or free energy.... as we had these for century, but not being brave enough to see them..... to seek them.... we have been afraid that we would die if we ask for our freedom to live on Earth as God planed for us all..... we were afraid that when we are dead, there is no more..... We were just greedy for life, not seeing that life is eternal, that God planned this so well to awaken us all.... every single one of us..... I see these prosperity funds not as 'help' to humanity to survive, but these are just new situations to trigger us in to feeling of freedom that we haven't felt for millenniums, and I know that these are intermediate steps to fully awaken US in to full conciseness, where after Ascension we will not require money to be able to have what we want and what we need: we will be in the state of pure creation, We will be in state of loving service to others, we will be so close to Divine, we will know that we are part of God itself, and we will become creators of our own reality.....
Just imagine that this message is fully true.... What feelings this thought create in you? ... What is wrong if someone, even if they are Ascended Masters, gives you opportunity to live freely, without paying for basics, without obligation to work like a slave of money.... Imagine, when all have money, and you can have all you need for your existence and protection, and you do not have to work, are you planing to ask your boss for raise, or ask bank to lower your mortgage interest?....
What if banks are here to service you, human, and not to exist to make profits on us, humans?.... Imagine, you have no work to do, but to work on your self only, on your spiritual uplifting? .... Is it going to be boring, or dull, when you do not have to awake every morning at 6 am to spend all day in the cubicle or behind the counter?.... What kind of life is this when there is no authority to yell and control you for 8 hours daily, and you go to your home [or banks home, who hold the mortgage..] to be abused or to abuse power over spouse or children or pets?.....
This is beautiful subject that you triggered me in to, and I am so honored that you are part of this awakening of humanity, simply by asking questions or answering them to others.....
I experienced that we are all teachers to each-others, and at the same time, we are students of each-others.... You cannot teach other if you are not willing to share your thoughts, and you cannot learn until you start sharing your thoughts.....
With Love, Predrag
Trade for service
If we exchanged services for other services, and shared our wealth, that is behind the scenes, in life, and we enjoyed what ever we wanted to do in this service, we could equalize our world.
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!