~Patience as an old age virtue....~
As Patience is closely related with Time, we have to find a way to entirely forget and discern ourselves from measuring the time in the old ways....
We have to find a way to look at the clock of history from completely different perspective..... We are very close to change our paradigm of existing in linear time to exist in Space of Now....
Where Now [as space string...] we measure through how much of service and sharing and love we give to others..... Nothing more..... Nothing Less....
It will be soon something like this:
Two Light beings from New Earth, floating above the sea, and telepathically exchanging thoughts:
"I just spend one whole ascension service, two hundred thousand love thoughts and 4 million love Blessings from God with Star Humans...... in Galaxy called Milky Way.... "
"Truly marvelous, I connected with my family from Andromeda and we recognized each others in instance.... MotherFatherGod are right: This Planet is true jewel of Love for all of US to enjoy....."
Time as aspect can be challenged in all the facets of our knowledge, and if we simply accept that time is not linear any longer, but spiral in the space of Now, where Now is the new time 'measurement cup' and not minute or hour or year....
Patience is the virtue of 3D only, as in 5D and higher densities, time is of no essence, and that is why we felt so misjudged and mislead and even angry, for all these times when Galactics are not so 'accurate' with us....
As we are coming toward Ascension of Mother Earth..... That why we had trouble to fully accept their refusal to give us exact date for any events they see or they pre-see .... [I know this is not real word, but I give self freedom to create a new.... as it came while thinking about all of us, and how I could easier transmute our old vision of time to new one called: Now...]
So the simplest way to describe my feelings about time is as follow:
"Let say I want something to come to creation: event, feeling, physical entity..... I simply imagine and intent that this event happen, from within of my heart, and specify no time, I just intent the feeling that this event is producing, and feel the God behind all of these creations, and feel how my creative conciseness getting bigger and stronger, till in an instance I have my imagined event happening in front of me in Now....."
While we, humans, read these Galactic posts and genuine triggers to our conciseness, we practice our 3D patience, and at the same time we are learning the new concept of time, within 4D & 5D, closely related with our own awakened conciseness....
So, as faster we raise our conciseness within still 3D world, we see things and feelings of others with much more kindness and much more Love.... As faster our conciseness becomes part of our daily creativity and activity, we become more and more detached with daily dramas that are played around us.... As faster we take full responsibility about the state of mind that we are in, and we take full freedom to act from our heart, and not from some legal document or government law, we becoming truly free humans and fully ready for Ascension in 5D.... As higher conciseness we feel, we are less involved within 3D 'reality'......
So I feel that our Galactic Brothers and Sisters who operate on much higher dimensions that 3D with linear time, for them is quite challenging to even describe how they see events developing on 3D Earth... This is the main reason why they constrain themselves giving any Roman calendar dates.....
If you notice, they link their probabilities based on our planet alignments and our seasons, and most important, based on our [human global] conciseness’ levels and our global conciseness of Oneness, and our global conciseness and remembrance into God [not religious god, who's name was set there only to confuse and to easier control the masses of humans, but true ONE and our Prime Creator, our ALL THAT IS.... ]
Learn how to receive kindness, love and compassion.... Allow yourself to receive kindness, Love and compassion..... as we all have been trained so well to completely ignore and very often refuse kindness treating is as pity or charity....
Allow in your heart that our Galactic Brothers and Sisters are here only to serve us till we achieve full conciseness and till we Ascend with Gaia as One.....
Give your feelings full freedom, as Galactic's are here as they care, as they Love us, as they are part of us, and we are integral part of them.... As ONE Galactic Family of ONE GOD CREATOR.....
With Love, Predrag