~**~ Dear friends.
The recent Wesak moon with its accompanying energies have awakened many spiritual
aspirants to a deeper understanding of their divinity within.
This could not have been missed due to the spiritual power of buddha energy that enveloped the earth and all upon her. I noticed that there was a lead up of preparatory energies several days before the Wesak moon blossomed in our skies.
~**~ Many of us who have been ascending with each download of energies, clearing out all our accumulated past
energy from experiences learnt, will be stepping deeper and deeper into our authentic selves.
Speaking personally, since I have started sharing from my authentic self, others are leaving their shyness behind
and are beginning to share the experiences of seeing and feeling their divinity within, their real-selves.
There comes a time that we cannot pretend any longer to be just a human living out an existence of the earth-life
that was created by unenlightened minds. We are far more powerful than that.
~**~ As you now know, it was the thoughts of mankind that created the existence that each era lived in.
With many more awakened souls on earth, this is going to dramatically change. We can all play a role in bringing
in the New Earth by consciously directing our thoughts to manifesting a new reality where kindness, compassion,
equality, love, and abundance are the 'norm' in society.
There should be no society where certain groups of people are ostracized for their skin color, their religious or spiritual beliefs, or forced to live in a way that denies them of
their freedom.
There should also be no country where people are starving when we live in a world of greed and waste when there could be abundant resourses for all once we have a created a world society of altruistic thinking.
~**~ Every kind, loving and peaceful thought adds to the collective energies of this world. Every spare moment
we have in our day could be spent on directing our thoughts to a world of peace, love and freedom.
Our minds[hearts] are so powerful and if used in the correct way, could well alter the course of our present living system.[through being the love you are in the present moment of now]
Each one of us has a choice and can start by taking charge of our lives by altering our thought patterns to a more
altruistic way of thinking in all areas of our lives. ~*~ Namaste and love to All ~**~