UPDATE EARTH MOVEMENT: Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers

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Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 8:15 AM


Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


A new report by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) circulating inthe Kremlin today on this past weeks violent shaking of the NorwegianSea floor after it was hit by a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake on24th May 2012 at the shallow depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles) states thatthis event also caused an “unexpected and rapid” shifting of themagnetic North Pole by nearly 1,000 km (621 miles) these scientistsclaim can only be attributed to as an yet unidentified planet in oursolar system recently confirmed to exist by one of the world’s topastronomers from the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.


Unknown to most people, and as reported by London’s Independentnewspaper, the magnetic north pole is moving faster than at any timein human history, threatening everything from the safety of moderntransport systems to the traditional navigation routes of migratinganimals.


Scientists say that magnetic north, which for two centuries has beenin the icy wilderness of Canada, is currently relocating towardsRussia at a rate of about 40 miles a year. The speed of its movementhas increased by a third in the past decade, prompting speculationthat the field could be about to “flip”, causing compasses to invertand point south rather than north, something that happens betweenthree and seven times every million years.


Already the phenomenon is causing problems in the field of aviation.Tampa International airport in Florida spent a month last yearrenaming its three runways, which in common with those at most USairports are identified using numbers that correspond to thedirection, in degrees, that they face on a compass. “Everything had tobe changed; it was a huge project,” Brenda Geoghagan, a spokeswomanfor the airport, said.


RAS scientists in this report further warn that this rapid shifting ofthe North Pole will increase the destabilization of our Earth’sweather systems which has caused historic droughts to occurworld-wide, most importantly in the United States, Mexico-CentralAmerica and Brazil’s Amazon forest regions.


Confirming the conclusions reached by RAS scientists, London’s DailyMail newspaper reported this past week that the evidence for “PlanetX” - the mysterious hypothesized planet on the edge of our solarsystem - has taken a new turn thanks to the mathematics of the notedastronomer Rodney Gomes.




