Powerful Downloads ~ Hang On!
Hi Friends ~
Experiencing some pretty strong downloads of energy which have been increasing in intensity each day for over a week. One of the symptoms is wonkiness in the legs and the feeling of having a flu of some type. Just got up after a lie-down and didn't recognize myself, within, which must mean that some aspects of Self that perhaps have not been to earth before, are integrating. That also gives a spaced-out, disorientated feeling. Oh.....such fun we are having!!!! Tomorrow should feel better, usually does after a night's sleep. I can see that the energies also affect my dogs, making them more sleepy, and my female poodle Ginger is especially affected. She has more than usual spaced-out looks on her face...............!
Sharing an excerpt from a channeling of Metraton through Tyberonn, Mar.9, 2012
"Many of you are Code Carriers of the Ascension. 2012 is your time of proactive involvement. Gather in Giza, In Moody, in Arkansas and all Powernodes ! For what you will create, what you will anchor , amplify, receive and transmit is amazing. It is why you have chosen to be here at this time! " [Divine Feminine Influx of Cosmic Trigger 2012 - The Ring of Fire Eclipse] I feel within myself that we do not immediately know how these downloads are affecting each individual until sometime down the track when we start to get insights coming through to our awareness. There are soooo many facets to our soul and what part it plays anywhere in the Cosmos and beyond. The soul is limitless which the Earth-self tends to forget because of the type of existence we currently live in.
Anyway dear Friends, just sharing my own thoughts and feelings. I also feel the most important thing is not to worry so much that you forget to LIVE and enjoy your life. We have some inconvenience at times with the funny feelings from the downloads, but life goes on each day. We are still living in a 3D world because the structures of society have not changed yet, and we need to go shopping, banking, pick up the kids from school, wash the car, etc, etc,. What IS changing to a higher dimension is more noticeable within ourselves, and seeing this new world unfold through our own more enlightened eyes.
*~* Have a lovely day whatever you choose to do, Love and Light Blessings, Tara. *~*
where is this place in arkansas i keep hearing about? i live in NW Tn, i might be close enough to travel there.
Where in Arkansas
Mount IDA the crystal beds and the surrounding areas.
Love and Light