Once upon a time, when time still existed… there were two planets… filled with beautiful humans… same gens, yet so so different…
Two planets were so close to each other… even, where many, many souls could not see the distance between…
Two planets were so close… yet thy were so distant as it looks like thy live in completely different universe…
First planet had all these laws… truly tough and strict laws… Yet another planet have no laws… maybe some guidance or suggestions as thy call…
First planet used a lot of complicated words like limitation, fear, lack… yet second planet did not comprehend words like anger, doubt and despear… these were not in their vocabulary…
First planet like to celebrate and laugh too, but always under strict control, laws and monetary limitations… while second one celebrated and laugh because they have no laws and limitations…
First planet has to buy and to pay for everything… even for 'love' or breath…. Where another planet have no money to exchange simply because they were sharing with each other all they create, and all given to them from FMGod…
First planet charging for ownership, regulating ownership, owning land, owning animals, owning each other, owning the ownerships… while second planet did not understand concept of ownership… as thy know they cannot own the planet itself, as she is her own sovereign…
First planet was giving their people freedom, depending how much money thy had in their banks… while second planet know that freedom is free, and given by God for free, given to give with no charge… so they did not bother to override God’s will…
First planet used a lot word ‘love’, not knowing what does this realy means… and as much they had more moneys they thought they can purchase more ‘love’…
while second planet did not use word ‘love’, because they know true LOVE and they practice TRUE LOVE, and they create TRUE LOVE without limitations or rules…
First planet just invented weapons and tools for control, to be used in conflicts that were invented for sake of creating more money… they though lets destroy and separate some nations, so we can make loads of money…
While second planet have no needs for any weapons, because they have no comprehension of conflicts… they instead conflicting each others, thy practice discussion… thy practice discussion as sharing tool, rather than attempting to inflict one view over the other by shere force and power…
First Planet lived by force and for sole power... yet Second Planet allowing everything, and practice simple acceptance of God...
First Planet humans took every single little thing personally… is some one cut you on the road, or tell you ‘bad’ word, or not pay enough respect to you… yes, they did take everything so so personally…
while Second Planet shares everything, they give everything to each others, and expect nothing in return… meaning, they do not take anything personally… they give, and they share… and they care less what you will do with this… and they asking nothing in return…
First planet expect that on every action there should be reaction… While Second Planet only have an Action of Love…
First Planet was thinking thy are running of time… yet Second Planet knows there is no time…
First Planet have all the expectations... still being in lack all the time… while Second Planet expect nothing, as they love to just be…
First planet knew that Second planet exists somewhere in the Universe… as written through ages from seers, proffets and poets… thy knew there should be something grander than only accumulation, hoarding and power… Second planet knew where First planet is, and they created so much LOVE that start overspilling in to dimension of the First one…
First planet knew how to follow the rules, and how prison look like on inside and outside… while second Planet only follow its own heart knowing that only rule is just there…
Second Planet sow first planet as biggest prison of all… prison of First Planet's collective mind... knowing that First Planet will close all the prisons soon...
First planet in search for God, created thousands of institutions called religions, so they can make some profit of people in search for God… Second planet have no churches, yet thy know FMGod personaly and closely… very closely…
First planet started to perspire to change it self, not sure how … do thy bring more laws, more money, more regulations?… or … while second Planet decided to extend their LOVE to first Planet asking nothing in return…
First planet start seing that conflicts can be resolved with faith and compassion, and without a single bullet fired… First planet realized when two sides in war extend each other their open hands, there is something happened: both sides realize they can simply by finding their similarities instead of differences give eachother more… While Second Planet only smile, knowing that their Uncoditional Love sent make some fruits…
First planet start seeing big differences in their own feelings… they did not feel afraid from neghbour any longer… they did not have a lack of food, because they start sharing… they did not make any new laws and regulations for quite some time, and their people smile much more…
Then time came, when First Planet saw Second Planet… when First Planet recognized where this beautiful Second Planet was…
Time has came when First Planet now knows Love, compassion, laughter and joy…
Time has come when First Planet knows where Second Planet is…
First Planet now knows there is no Second Planet somewhere else in the vast Universe…
Second Planet is much closer than anybody could even dare to imagine…
Second Planet grew in their hearts, until become fully visible, truly physical and utterly Free….
First Planet knows now that Second Planet is Them….
Yes, We know now that Second planet is US…
First Planet and Second Planet are now ONE...
I AM THAT I AM, Predrag Saint Germain...