Rome was not built in one day, but Humanity is going to BE awaken in single moment.... moment of truth....
And of course, you would ask: Which moment this could be?....
This could be a moment...
When you realize that you care more for your daughter and you son that you care for your own 'safety' and your own life....
When you realize that you sending loving messages across the oceans in to the Japan's devastated area, asking nothing in return.... Not even a thank you reply on your kind email.....
When you find your self sending love to Joplin people, to Christchurch people, to Haiti people.... all at once, to all at once....
When you look up in the sky, and breathe the white cloud with all your being, realizing that you just had the most tasteful fruit....
When you touch the tree in your park near your house, when you hear its leafs are talking with you directly, calling your name in gentle and giggling voice....
When you bring all the food you had in your fridge to you young boy neighbor who is confined in the wheelchair for all of his short life....
When you give your heart to the beggar on the street, by simply smile at his calm and genuine face, and his dark and crumbling hands.....
When you give self a pat on the back, simply knowing that God is within you, and that you do not have to go this Sunday in church to look for him.....
When you turn the tv off, with a smile and full awareness of the deception that they are doing for all the people who desperately watch tv news to be 'fully' and 'truthfully' informed....
When you share your dreams about ET's, about Love in your heart, about New Life that you know is coming with total stranger, with person you just met in coffee shop.....
When you look again in the sky knowing.... simply knowing that our Galactic Family is Here.... And that they are only waiting for US to open our hearts, to call them in, to show them that we have no fears any longer, not any longer.....
When you realize that all the fears that you have been trained in to suddenly look so unreal, they look so fake and so fabricated....
When you start laughing and crying without the reason, simply knowing that your heart is singing so loud, simply by being filled with Love from FatherMotherGod....
When we finally recognize the prison you just escaped, simply by feeling love for your family and your neighbor, for your unknown fellow human across the oceans, for your fellow human who lives in the center of the Earth, for your Gaia, for your Galactic Family in the sky....
All these moments are here, all around you and me.... You simply recognize them... feel the truth these moments are.... and feel the Love you truly Are...
With Love, Predrag